Christophe's Diary

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I'm writing this in a jotter that would have been better placed in a school. No doubt Tharn had used them for writing some of his manical notions down. I had to document this moment. Normally, in the middle of a crisis, I wouldn't bother documenting my life but Calista and I have been stuck in this bunker for weeks, taking turns to watch over Rose in case she wakes up. I lay in torment whenever I tried to rest. I can't sleep, and I'm glad that I do not need to eat as I wouldn't have been able to stomach in.

I relive the moment Tharn killed Rose over and over in my mind. Racked by guilt that I had allowed her to come. She was human, and I had put her in harms way. I didn't know Tharn well, but Calista confessed to me that she had never seen Tharn so paralysed by a decision. Yet he was the first to act, being a doctor. He roared at Amahle to get help as he performed CPR. It wasn't as they portrayed it in film or television. As he pushed down on her chest, I heard her ribs crack.

I wanted to kill Tharn, but he was her only chance of survival. As help arrived, he looked up to Calista and I and told us she had a pulse, but it was very weak. He looked very unguarded and distraught. He hurried beside the stretcher as she was taken away, ignoring us in our grief. Calista knew where she was but had no control over the doors. For an hour, we sat on the floor, undisturbed as we stared into nothingness in silence. Eventually, we were escorted to separate rooms, but I refused to leave Calista alone. In the room there was a couch and we sat there and just talked.

It was the first time for both of us that we civilly talked. I let Calista go first, where she explained her experiences, her arriving here years before and willingly participating in Tharns plans. It was a shock to hear her admit this, and I believe that she is deluded by their bond that has reconnected. She said that towards the end that she felt forced as were others, but she had to confess that she was not wholly innocent. She told me that it was difficult being around Tharn again. The martial bond they had changed how she had grown fearful and bitter of him. Despite her knowing that he was one of the worst and corrupted men on Earth, she couldn't help but feel drawn and bonded to him. What muddied the waters further was how he had leapt to save Rose. A fatherly trait that was she would never have fathomed he would have.

As I write this, I know I am writing something that someone will look back and see as a turning point. We knew that getting Tharn on our side was the hard part, but now it seemed that it was a likelihood. If he cared enough to not let her die, he would also care that some entity had robbed her of her powers.

Though Calista had been open with me, no doubt spurred on by her clashing feelings, I couldn't find it in me to confess anything to her. I guarded it as I wanted Rose to know me, more than anyone. I didn't want her hearing things secondhand from her mother. She had been through enough hidden secrets. One thing I did reveal, which was no secret, was that I loved Rose. I admitted to Calista that from the moment I met Rose, I knew that I would transition her. I had walked Earth for hundreds of years and met many Enki but had never had such instant connection with any of them. The feeling of needing to protect her began from the moment our eyes locked. Only the Mother knows why. It was... supernatural.

I hadn't known Rose felt the same way until the moment we kissed. I knew she found me attractive, but that meant nothing. All Enki were attractive. After the ceremony and her transition, I was sure that she would openly admit her feelings. Now, the bond was there, but she managed to control herself better than any other I've known. Better than Jean Luc. Better than Tharn. Knowing that she had the mother inside of her scared me. No one I had ever known had a relationship with the mother. Whatever stabbed Rose is obviously much more powerful than her, which was much more concerning.

Rose said that the mother wants us destroyed, but her arrival at the same time as this unknown creature can not be coincidence.

There is something much deeper going on. If Rose ever wakes up, I'm sure it won't be long before it comes out.

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