Chapter 16

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I must have fallen asleep because when I woke it was dark. I half expected to be hungry but i wasn't. A fortunate side effect of my powers.

I hadn't really thought about what it would mean to be to be invincible. I couldn't think past how to get through tomorrow let alone hundreds or thousands of years.

I felt an energy draw near, at first i thought it was Christophe but it felt different. Similar but somehow changed. I listened out for signs of life and heard the faint padding of bare feet from the far side of the building.

It must be Magnus. If Christophe ever returned I'd ask him how to tell the energies apart. It doesn't help my current state of mind constantly thinking he was here.

Now with Magnus here i couldn't just ignore him. I remember that look in his eyes. He was just as lost as i was. Maybe he was just trying to help.

Help. He was Enki. He had powers like my own and he was padding around doing nothing. Time to recruit said help.

I walked over to my mirror and looked at my reflection. My hair was lank and my clothes looked rumpled. A shower was definitely in order.

Once I had showered i pulled on a pair of shorts and a strap top. I went for comfort over fashion plus it was a warm summers night.

I walked over to my window that looked upon the grounds and pushed it open. A nice breeze stroked my face and i could feel a buzz of energy in the distance. It floated above and around the grounds.

I felt it rush towards me. At first i took a step back thinking of danger but then when it was close enough i realised it had wings. Long, golden brown wings.

A large beautiful Eagle landed on my window ledge. I was momentarily stunned unable to move. I'd never been so close to a bird of prey before. I wanted to reach out and touch it but I was too scared.

The eagle as if feeling my unease dipped it's head towards my hand. Slowly i stretched my hand out and lightly touched it's feathered head. An energy buzzed from it to me and it ran through my body lighting me up from within. It was such a familiar feeling.

A memory stirred in my head. The diaries of Christophe, did he not want to become an eagle? Surely not.

The diaries stopped after that entry. Or at least Christophe never allowed me to read further. Was it really him?

A loud urgent knock sounded on my door interrupting the moment and causing the beautiful bird to fly away.

I knew it was Magnus at the door and i was pissed at his interruption. I stormed over to the door and flung it open so much so that the hinges creaked and the handle marked the wall.

"What do you want!" I yelled, chastising him for making the Eagle or possibly Christophe fly away.

At the door stood Magnus all but naked apart from a pair of shorts. There were faint beads of sweat on his body as if he had ran at speed to get here. I tried my hardest not to let my eyes roam his body. How lovely to be stunned twice in such a short space of time.

"I'm sorry babe i just felt an energy and got worried. I can see that whoever it was has left. Are you okay?"

I looked back at the window. Then back to Magnus.

"I felt the energy too but it never came near me. I am safe."

I took a step towards Magnus in the hope that he would back up out of my room but he stood solid in the door frame. The power surged between us like multiple electric shocks.

He reached out and touched my cheek and this time I didn't move away. The pulse from his hand reached deep within me and i had to shut my eyes.

For a brief moment i felt completely happy. A feeling I've only had once before, with Christophe.

I felt Magnus's hand move from my face and trail from neck, down my shoulder and stop at my lower back.

Gently his hand pushed me to him until my body was flush with his. I was so close i could feel the beads of sweat dampen my top.

I kept my eyes shut. I wasn't sure if I wanted to open them. I wasn't sure whether i was ready for what would happen next.

Magnus's other hand caressed my cheek and his thumb traced the outline of my lips. My lips parted in response.

I felt him draw himself down towards me. Our lips hovered almost touching.

A loud bang sounded off the window and i jerked my head towards the noise.

I heard Magnus sigh but he kept his grip on my waist.

It had to be the Eagle. It had to be Christophe.

I turned back to Magnus, disappointment crossed his face. I put my hands on his chest and pushed myself gently away from his body. Reluctantly Magnus released me.

"What happened at the window earlier? Are you sure it was nothing?"

There was something about the way that he asked that made me protect my thoughts. I couldn't tell him it was Christophe. If Christophe wanted to be seen he wouldn't have flown away when Magnus appeared at my door.

"It was just a silly bird.... Magnus i was thinking earlier would you be able to teach me about my powers? I'm so new to them and Christophe was supposed to help but i guess he isn't around anymore..."

I trailed off hoping Magnus would take the bait.

"I'll teach you babe. In fact it would be my pleasure."

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