Chapter 37

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I'm avoiding Magnus as much as I can. I have certain freedoms now in my prison, as long I play nice. Playing nice involves being injected with fertility drugs and not trying to escape. To be honest there wasn't much hope of escape. There were card locks at every door, each with a different code, memorised by whomever held the cards.

There must be another way to fight, I just hadn't found it yet. Sooner or later I would be forced to fulfil my duty.

My father spends only the time he needs to poke and prod at me, and then leaves to inject some other prisoner. We don't speak apart from a move there or here, lift this, hold that.

I'm lay down on the same bed I woke up on, watching my father fill up a syringe ready to inject. This time round I am over the monotonous daily routine.

"What is it exactly that you are putting in me?"

My father pauses, needle in hand.

"This is some of my best work. This is worth so much to many women across the world. It brings them joy, it brought your mother you, and now, it'll bring you joy".

He stabs me in the arm and I watch as the liquid empties into my body.

"What if it doesn't work? What if I can't get pregnant?"

Of course I knew that it was the truth. That it wasn't my purpose to be here to have Enki children. That my mother couldn't infact have children aside from the blessing of the mother.

"It isn't an option. Your mother got pregnant with you and so you must also be able to get pregnant. It is with my drug that it'll all be possible".

"Do you not think that the mother will be upset that you are bending the rules, the rules that she created."

He pulls the needle out, slower than normal. It nips as it leaves my skin. Blood starts to well up and he let's it drip slowly down my arm.

"You preach a lot for someone who has no knowledge of the mother."

Removing his gloves, he slowly wipes my arm with gauze and holds my arm tightly, squeezing. It feels strange with the skin to skin contact. There is a faint buzz of energy, reminiscent of Enki energy. If he noticed, then he doesn't let on.

My father gets up and sorts his tools, within seconds a masked doctor enters and takes over sterilisation. I guess my father is below cleaning up his dirty work. I expect him to turn and walk out but he stands at the end of the bed.

"Magnus tells me you have been avoiding him?"

"No, well, yes, but..."

I didn't see the point in lying to him. He wouldn't believe me anyway.

"It would not be good for you to delay this process much longer".

It was a warning. A reminder that despite the fact Magnus had been somewhat gentlemanly, I was still going to be forced into having sex with him.

"You must do your duty. Your duty to the Enki. Magnus is... a fine specimen.  I chose him from a lot of suitable Enki. He has lived a very long time and earned his place as your King.."

"My King?" I start to laugh. "That is just absurd. A King? And what? I am a Queen and we live in some prison Palace and we will have little prince or princesses and live happily ever after? Let's just call it what It is, dad, sex trafficking".

He is beside me in seconds, so much so that it is clear that my father has some power left in him from somewhere. The man cleaning finishes what he is doing and leaves the room quickly.

My father grabs my face, squeezing tightly.

"Call it what you want, daughter, but you will obey me. I don't care for your sharp tounge. It spits words if doesn't understand. I can play nice, but it won't last forever. I don't take well to disobedience."

He pushes my face away roughly and leaves the room. Tears come to my eyes. I am reminded of times when my human father would rage at me for breaking the strict rules he had created to keep me safe. It bothered me that I felt scolded by a father, rather than an abuser. I knew that there was that connected part of me to him that wanted to submit to his will, to be a good daughter. Then there was a part of me that was terrified, disgusted and repulsed.

I had always imagined being married first. That I would meet someone that I fell in love with and it would all happen naturally. Part of me hoped to still have that with Christophe. Wherever he was I hoped he knew that I think of him all the time. It was on me to keep him safe. I knew that his life hung in the balance if I continued to refuse.

Breaking my chain of thought was Magnus entering the room. He had the good sense not to make comment. Instead he held out his hand. It was so simple and I really wanted to not take it, but I knew that I had to and that was that. I felt a similar pulse of energy holding his strong hand. I look up at him wondering if he too noticed but he simply stares at me waiting for my next move.

I slide of the hospital bed and stand next to him. He is so tall that I always hurt my neck looking up at him. I think to myself, that he is incredibly good looking. His physique was perfection. Had it been another time or place I would have perhaps made my peace with this situation a long time ago.

He looks down at me and he smiles. Not patronising, not mocking. The same smile that melted me not a few weeks ago, when we first met and I was overjoyed at holding his attention.

Magnus draws me to him, slowly, as if testing me. Waiting to see if I refuse. I don't. His arm wraps around me and he bends down our faces almost touching.

"Kiss me, Rose"

I am suprised but not shocked by his demand. Our faces almost touching, our lips hovering. I think of Christophe in that moment. The moment when we had our first kiss. It flashes into my brain and warms my heart, my body.

I wrap my hands around Magnus's head and pull his lips to mine. He draws me close, our bodies touching. I feel the warmth of him and I feel warm.

Suddenly, our moment is broken with the door opening and the same doctor enters. He pauses at the door and I can feel energy fill the room. Something I haven't felt since I arrived. It is the energy from emotions and it chokes me. I look at Magnus and he is frowning, annoyed that our moment has been broken. I fear for the doctor, knowing that despite him being almost as tall as Magnus, he would never be able to fight his human strength. The only thing I can think to do is pull him back to me.

"Magnus, stay calm, your emotions are filling the room. I'm sure the doctor never meant to interrupt".

I look at the doctor, pleading with my eyes that he agrees. The doctor however, seemingly unafraid leaves the room swiftly, the stifling emotions leaving with him and me empty. Leaving Magnus and I, the moment clearly gone.

I unattach myself from Magnus and create a little distance. I expect him to be reeling from the emotion he was giving out but he seems quite calm, leaving me confused.

"Are you okay Magnus?"

"Yes, I am, more than okay. Where were we?"

He leans back in and I put a hand to his chest.

"You were raging not two seconds ago".

"Annoyed that a doctor interrupted us, yes. Raging? No."

"Then why could I feel your rage?"

Magnus steps back and looks at me suspiciously.

"You can feel my emotions?"

By his demeanour I can tell that if I say yes then I will be in trouble. Enki aren't supposed to have powers here. I jokingly push him and laugh.

"Look at your face! Now who can't take a joke?"

I force a laugh and Magnus doesn't seem convinced, but he doesn't pursue the subject.

"We better get you back to your room, Rose".

I nod in agreement. He holds his hand out for me to take and I grip it tight. My arm glows from within.

I don't know how. But my powers were back.

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