Christophe's Diary

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I met Rose at the window this evening in my eagle form but flew away in anger. Why was Magnus always there? I do not trust him as far as I could throw him and i can throw pretty far.

After the accident with Rose i had left thinking that i had failed her. I was supposed to protect her and she disliked me. I had never anticipated that it would turn out like this. I thought I was doing the right thing. Perhaps Calista knew the power that Rose would inherit and based her decision not to allow her transition on that knowledge. She really is a prize to the Enki. The mother must have high intentions for her to be so generous. She was kind to me but Rose has been blessed. 

Now it has become blatantly apparent that she no longer trusts me to protect her. I do not want to explore my feelings that i felt when i saw her kiss Magnus. I had already interrupted them at the window but the second encounter i let happen. My emotions are best left dormant.

It will be our connection that is confusing my feelings for her. How can i feel the way i do about someone I have known for such a small part of my life.

Because of our affliction of not being able to reproduce, woman were never in short supply but none of them had me wanting to run away but run back at the same time.

I should leave her alone with Magnus, they clearly have some sort of connection. Yet, when she lit those logs on fire i wanted to run to her and hold her like he had done.

I have made a promise to Calista and i cannot let her down for it will mean the death of me.

As for Magnus i cannot be sure but I think he is lying to us. He says he is over five hundred years old and it seemed like the truth but it isn't completely abnormal to believe that he can someone how cloak the lie.

It is also frustrating, having been able to completely control my emotions, that in Magnus's company I seem to lose it. This cannot be coincidence.

If what i believe is true then Rose is in danger, for Magnus must be from a very ancient line one that i bet wants to bring Rose to her father.

The timing must be right for me to return for i must be sure. Now that Rose has feelings for Magnus it'll make it harder to convince her. I can only hope that through our bond she believes me and that together we can destroy Magnus.

I do not know what I will do if she rejects me. For the first time in a long time i am feeling doubt. The sooner Magnus is away the sooner I will regain my control.  There is no other choice. In time Rose will forgive me.

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