Chapter 52

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It had taken weeks. Fully awake, I had been operated on. Every moment hurt,  and I felt like it was my fathers way of torturing me. I naively thought that I would have some sort of device placed on the outside of my body but my father didn't trust that I wouldn't try to remove it so instead had placed it attached to my heart. Any human would have instantly died, but of course, Enki can only die by the dagger.

I had watched and felt every moment my human heart had failed and was brought alive again by whatever power ran through us. We bled. But we didn't die. The blood stopped when the heart did, and so did every other organ. It was if what we knew about cells was super charged. They had an intelligence that could have only come from our creator. In my weakest moments during the numerous procedures, I had thought deeply about why Enki existed and why humans were so fragile. Why did it take a ceremony for me to become Enki. If I had been hit by a car as a human, I would have I died, or would I heal like I did now?

When reflected on my life, I quickly realised that I had been blessed with good health. When all my friends had flu's and sickness, I seemed to remain unaffected. I didn't feel that I was immune. It just seemed to disappear as soon as it started to attack me. I had been clumsy as I child, and I should have had so many broken bones. I felt the pain, but my father would refuse to take me to the hospital. I would cry, but within minutes, I felt no pain at all.

I realised that I hadn't asked all the questions I should have after I was transitioned. I just accepted it. Yet, maybe I had always had the power in me I just didn't know. The question still remained, why Enki? Why were we so special. I look at my mother, Christophe, and Magnus, and they have spent their lives hiding from humans. They had been around for hundreds of years, and what had they done? My father appeared to be the only one who had contributed to the humans but only by proxy whilst trying to make a baby Enki. He was neolithic. What had he spent the years doing. I realised that one way or another, every Enki I had met was jaded in some sort of way. None of them had lived up to what the Mother had created us for.

It made sense why she would he disappointed in her creation. So much devastating things have happened in my lifetime. Wars, mass murder, corruption.  I had the power in me to have stopped at least part of the destruction, but together, we could have saved so many more.

As I lay on the hospital bed. Void of my power and feeling pain longer than I should have, I had the time to contemplate the past few months. The journey I had been on, the questions answered the questions unanswered. The mother wanted me to destroy the Enki. Was it because she was disappointed in us? Was it because we failed to protect the world like we said we would. Maybe our intentions had started well, but time had erased our purpose.

To kill a child is awful, but killing hundreds of them was devastating. Why did she want to kill us all? Her finest creation. I somewhat understood Magnus and my father. Maybe we shouldn't die. Maybe we should have the opportunity to change and fulfil our purpose... or maybe it was too far gone.

After the operation, the tests began. It became pretty obvious that it would work. My father seemed pleased with himself.

Finally, it was time to leave. I had been separated from my human father all this time, and to see him alive and not sedated made what I had endured worth it. I clung to him and we cried.

"Rose, are you okay?"

"I am now."

"Did he hurt you?"

"Not more than I can handle."

He laughed through tears at me repeating his words.

Magnus joined us in the room that we had once shared such intimate moments.

"It's time to go. It will take a while to get back to Hornwood by car."

Of course, my father wouldn't be able to keep up with us, and he wouldn't accept to be carried.

"Magnus, my father can drive. You are welcome to go at your own pace."

"I will not leave your side."

"So you are my captor, again."

"I'm not here to hurt you, Rose. What hurts you hurts me, remember? You know we can not be parted. Whether you like it or not."

The feeling of hating someone but being in love with them was ironically very human. He was right. Even through all of this, I still felt connected with him.

One person who could hate him was my father. He stood protectively in front of me.

Magnus laughs as he continues to pack some things. He did care about the way he looked. I, for one, had lived in a hospital gown for weeks. My jeans and t-shirt that I had come in with was what I would be leaving with. I longed to get back to Hornwood and get back to my clothes and my comfort.

We make our way out of the room, and to  my surprise, we dont go back the way we came. Instead, we walk into a large warehouse that holds multiple vehicles. Magnus presses a button, and a black jeep lights up. It wasn't quite Christophe's car, but it would do.

"Tharn not coming to see us out?"

Magnus says nothing clearly, not taking the bait. I look at my father, and we exchange a smile. It was a nice feeling to be back together, despite the circumstances.

I go to open the door when pain sears through my body, and I fall. My father rushed to me, but Magnus got there first before I hit the ground.

An intercom turns on.

"Consider that my parting gift daughter. Bringing me your mother back. Magnus has strict instructions to bring you both back by the end of the week. Failure to do so will not work out well for you or your father."

My eyes grow heavy. I look for Magnus. Knowing that he held my life, my mother and my fathers too in his hands and you could see it wore him down. As my eyes close, he kisses me on the forehead.

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