Chapter 53

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As soon as the jeep left the building, I could feel my power rise in me once again, and with it the all-consuming connection with my husband and captor. I could hear the contraption attached to my heart like a grandfather clock clicking away. I could also feel the mother awakening in me. For now, she did not push, and for that, I was grateful. I had enough on my plate than having to deal with her.

The journey was silent. We didn't have anything to say. I was trying to fight the feelings of whst being in close capacity with Magnus made me feel, Magnus was purposely playing with those feelings and my father not understanding what was happening but reading the room was staring out of the window trying to ignore it all. According to Satnav, we had another 3 hours to go. I longed to run and use my powers, but that would mean leaving my father alone, and I had to ensure his safety.

"Can we pull into these services?"

My father speaking made me jump. Magnus looked at the mirror at us in the back of the jeep.


"Unfortunately, I am not Enki, and therefore, I need to eat and use the facilities."

My father vehemently disliked Magnus, and Magnus wasn't fond of my father either. The air was toxic.

Pull over Magnus.

It's not safe for us to be around humans.

So he has to hold it in for the next three hours. Really, Magnus?

Magnus frowns and swerves the jeep into the exit. Startling both my father and I. We pull into the service station. My father leaves and I go to leave with him. Magnus swiftly grabs my arm and pulls me back in.

"You have to stay here. It will be obvious to the humans."

I pull my arm back.

"I'll do what I want, Magnus."

"Don't be stupid, Rose. You haven't been around humans since you transitioned."

I remembered the time I was with Christophe. The way everyone stared at him.

"I'll be fine. I'm not you. I'm not remotely attractive, and I don't stand out. You, on the other hand, a 7 foot Viking do."

Magnus smiles.

You find me attractive?

I give him a look and follow my father into the service station.

My father heads straight to the bathroom, and I take the time to browse the shop. I hover over the cards and see one that says I'm sorry. It reminds me that I will see Christophe again and we will have to talk. I look up to see if my father has returned, and I realise everyone in the store is staring at me. It was the same as with Christophe. It was as if they were in awe of me. I felt very uncomfortable. I made my way out of the shop, and their eyes followed me. When I stepped out into the foyer, more people were staring. Magnus was right. This wasn't a good idea. If one of the humans questioned why everyone was staring, it would raise suspicion. I look out of the windows at the jeep and start to head towards it, but a group of people surround me. It was like a fever had infected them. One of them reaches out to touch me, and I push their hand away, which annoyed them. 

I didn't want to cause a scene, but I could my powers rise in me the more I felt threatened. The last thing I wanted was to kick off or, worse, awaken the mother. I see my father in the distance and walk towards him, but one of the humans grabs my hand and pulls me back. I can see the panic in my father's face. I can also sense Magnus running towards me, albeit at human pace.

A man stops in front of me and wraps his arms around me. As he does, the people around me stop looking confused at one another, and they continue about their business. I feel my heart that was beating in my chest slowly calm. I look up at the man, and his face takes my breath away. It is as if the sun radiates from it. It was almost blinding. Time stops, and I can feel Magnus approach me. Every human is frozen, and I expect to look at the man and find him frozen, too, but he continues to stare at me. Magnus charges at the man pulling him from me. It was concerning that Magnus was surprised.

"What are you?"

The man smiles and turns to walk away. Magnus goes to chase after him but is rebounded back by some unseen force. It was as if a bubble of protection was around him that couldn't be penetrated. In an instant, the man disappears, leaving both Magnus and I bewildered.

"Rose, I can not hold this for long. We have to leave. If someone sees this, we will be discovered."

I nod, and we make our way out. Magnus drops his power as we exit into the car park, leaving my father looking very confused. He rushes after us.

"Rose, what just happened? One minute you had all these people around you the next you are in the car park? Did you stop time?"

"I didn't, but Magnus did. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come with you."

Magnus grabs my hand and pulls me towards the car.

"You should have listened to me. Of course you have to disobey me. Maybe for once, you can try to trust that I ask for things to protect you. Not to control you."

My father chases after Magnus.

"You take your hands off her. You don't own her."

Magnus frowns, and I can feel the anger rise up in him. With lighting speed, he slams my father against the jeep.

"Do you have something to say to me, human? You think just because you know what we are that you somehow get a free pass to criticise me?"

I can feel my father's breath shallow as Magnus puts force on his chest. Not wanting to cause a scene, I lay my hand gently on Magnus's shoulder.

"Leave him, or I swear I will unleash the mother on you and any Enki within one hundred miles of here."

Magnus releases my father, who pulls the jeep door open and bundles himself inside, locking the door. My father was right to be afraid.

"How dare you hurt him, Magnus! He is my father!"

"He is not your father, but I am your husband, and when I tell you to do something, I mean it."

"Oh, for goodness sake, Magnus. What century do you live in? Just because you forced me to marry you doesn't mean you have any power whatsoever over me."

Magnus clenches his fists in anger. The power between us swells and boils over. I didn't know if I wanted to kill or kiss him. I didn't particularly want either, so I forced myself to calm. Change of subject.

"Who was that man back there? Was he Enki?"

I can feel the anger disapate from Magnus and turn into desire, but he quickly closes himself up to me.

"He wasn't Enki. Get in the car we have to leave."

Now wasn't the time to complain about him ordering me about. The best thing to do was get in the car. He was right about that. When we both get in, I touch his arm. I know the power flowing between us will cloud his thinking and make him more pliable. Of course, I would need to fight the need to kiss him. It was a risk worth taking.

"If the man wasn't Enki, then what is he. He wasn't human."

Magnus frowns. He didn't know. I wasn't sure whether this was a good thing.

"I have no idea. I haven't felt or seen a power like that. It was...otherworldly."

"Did you see that he just disappeared? Not with speed like we can, but from where he stood, he just vanished into thin air."

Magnus starts the jeep up.

Rose, I have no idea who the man was or what he wanted with you, but you have to remove your hand and let me drive, or I will take you right here in front of everyone.

My body responds to his words, and I can see him look at me with deep need.

Drive Magnus, or we will do something we will regret.

Perhaps you will, but for me, it would be the happiest day of my life.

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