Chapter 12

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I woke up in my bed covered in one of my favourite shawls. I look around my room and it hasn't changed. I don't feel any different. The last thing i remember was falling to the floor and then nothing.

I walk over to my mirror and stare at my reflection. Again nothing has changed. Did something go wrong? Maybe I wasn't the person Christophe thought I was. Where was he anyway?

I start to hear talking and i am drawn to the noise. It must be Christophe but why is he hanging outside my door? I push the door open and i am surprised when I find he isn't outside. I look down the corridor in search of the voice. It sounds as though it's right here.

I focus my mind on the voice and listen to what it is saying.

I hope I have done the right thing. Calista will kill me if she finds out what i have done....

The voice breaks off suddenly. Why is Christophe talking so loud and who is Calista?

I walk down the corridor towards Christophe's office. He must be there but how can that be when it is on the other side of the building?

When i reach his office i push open the door and find Christophe standing looking out the window. When i enter he turns round slowly. He has his sleeves rolled up and i notice that the cut i made on his arm has disappeared.

Power surges around the room and i feel a pull towards him. Like an invisible link that draws me to him. It is unsettling and unfamiliar. I wonder if he feels it too? I am the first to speak:

"Who is Calista?"

Christophe gives me one of his half smiles.

"So you can hear my thoughts?"

I open my mouth to protest then realise that he is right. How else could i hear him as if he was right beside me?

"I guess I can."

Christophe starts to walk towards me but as the bond pulses energy he backs up.

"What is that? It i am a part of you"

As i say the words I begin to blush. Growing up i had always been the loner, the new kid. No boy was ever interested in me. Now I was in a room with a man that i felt bonded with, close.

"It is the blood. It was my blood that awoken your powers and now we will always be bonded. An unfortunate side affect."

I feel my stomach sink. Unfortunate? I feel that familiar interruption in my thoughts and i shut my eyes and imagine shutting him out.

I feel myself becoming angry. Why did he do it then! I would have been happier not having any of this.

Christophe interrupts my thoughts:

"You blocked me."


I sounded stropy even to me.


I made a face at him. Shouldn't he know?

"I just imagined blocking you and i guess it worked."

Christophe brings his hands to his mouth and then drops them.

"I am very impressed. You did not need to be taught."

"I guess I didn't"

Whether it was my arrogance or how Christophe smiled at me but i was momentarily stunned.

"How about I challenge you to something else? Something you won't know?"

I look him directly in the eyes and feel his challenge.

"How about you do that?"

Christophe walks towards me and i feel the energy surge. He manages to walk past me and i follow.

He leads me to the courtyard and then into the grounds of the building.

Christophe turns to me:

"All you have to do is catch me."

He smiles and again I am frozen.

When he takes off i am slow to react. I watch as he speeds off into the woods.

At first i am startled. I have never seen anyone move as fast as he has but then I focus. I focus on him. I tell myself that I need to catch him as if it's the last thing that i do.

As if in reaction my limbs begin to move. A heat builds up in me and my body speeds up.

I follow the blur that is Christophe through the trees and the rocks. His body manages to swerve any obstacle in his path.

I feel myself gaining on him and the familiar pull of energy makes me move faster. There is nothing at this point that I want more than to capture Christophe.

Unexpectedly a force bangs into me forcing me away from Christophe.

At first the energy that beats into me I believe to be Christophe's. As i plunge into the forest bed i scream out in pain. He wouldn't allow this.

As my breath centres itself i look up at my attacker.

Blonde hair tickles my face and my fingers reach out to move them away. I look up into my attackers eyes: and a familiar pull in energy.

"Hello beautiful."

I look up into those familiar eyes. I begin to roam down the body that is semi naked on top of me.

"Who are you?"

The stranger in front of me smiles:

"Oh...we've met before".

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