Chapter 55

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My eyes slowly flicker open, and I am back in my old bedroom, the sun long set. I spring up worried that I have wasted a day. As soon as I am upright in bed, I start to feel lightheaded and settle for sitting up against the wooden bedframe.

I sense Christophe before I see him in the darkened room. He sits in the corner, staring at me. Not speaking, not moving. At first, I think he is asleep, but a deep in take of breath gives him away. Memories start to come back. The argument with my mother, then The Mother, taking control again and then something tights pulls in me when I remember Christophe in front of me. Unresolved tension floats around us, and I know it comes from him. After what feels like forever, he stands up and walks towards the bed. He walks slowly like a panther, and my whole body lights up at his presence. Sensing this, he slows down and keeps his distance, which makes me frown like a petulant child. I have been stubborn my whole life, and even though I knew that I should apologise and break this distance between us, something held me back. Guilt mostly. I let my mind open to him in the odd chance he would want to understand. If he did listen in, it wasn't obvious.

The silence is deafening to me. I was at a loss at what to say. I think perhaps a subject that was neutral may help.

"Could I change into an Eagle like you can?"

The change in subject momentarily stuns Christophe that a scoff comes out of his mouth.

"Of course not."

"Why not?"

"Because the eagle chose me."

"What if it chose me?"

"It won't,"

"Why not?"

"Because it is my animal."

"There are thousands of eagles in the world. One of them might choose me."

"Oh, for goodness sake, Rose, I didn't wait here all day to argue about animals!"

"Well, what did you come here for!?"

He stops, and I can tell he is trying to control himself.

"What are you holding yourself back for, Christophe? Do you want to hurt me?"

His face softens.

"Of course not. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Why did you fly away when I arrived here?"

The truth was I was still hurt that he wasn't there to greet me. After all I had been through, I longed to be in the safety of his arms.

"Magnus, let me know what happened to you. He thought by telling me he had betrayed you again that I wouldn't cause a scene. Of course, he knew if I hurt him, it would hurt you."

I gripped the duvet that was over me to control my anger.

"He never should have done that. It wasn't his story to tell. Go ahead, Christophe, tell me I told you so."

"I don't get any pleasure out of this Rose. Why can't you understand that I have always wanted to protect you? This wouldn't have happened if you had listened to me."

"I know that, Christophe. Every night I lay in my hospital bed, I thought about that. Thought about you."

Hesitantly, Christophe sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you scared to get close to me?"

"Every time we get close, something bad happens. I cloud your judgement, and you cloud mine. I've spoken with Magnus, and it's clear that after the week is done, you will return to Tharn, with or without your mother. I have failed you."

I reach out to him, but he pulls his arm away.

"Don't make it harder, Rose."

I dont plan on going back to Tharn. I have a plan, but it involved getting my father out of the lab. I am going to destroy my father once and for all. The mother will see to it.

Christophe looks at me. Our conversation must be secret. If Magnus was ever aware, he would let my father know in an instant.

Your powers do not work in his labs, and you will never get him to face you outside. He knows with the mother you are more powerful than him.

The mother is stronger than anything my father has. If I allow her to take over, she will destroy him.

At what cost? You can not know the power of the mother. She could kill you in the process.

Only the dagger can kill an Enki.

She created the dagger through her own power. I do not think she needs the dagger to kill us.

It's a risk I am willing to take.

"BUT IT ISN'T ONE I CAN!" Christophe screams out loud.

He stands up and walks away. I pull myself out of the bed, my legs slightly shaking. I stumble, and Christophe is at my side in an instant. As he touches me, the power vibing between us is immense. He reaches to hold my cheek, hesitating to kiss me. I break the space between us and kiss him passionately. He pulls me to him, our bodies touching. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He continues to kiss me whilst walking to the bed. He gently places me on my back and lays on top of me our bodies entwined.

"I want you, Christophe."


He says my name with a sigh. His need for me pulses.

"For once Christophe, let go."

He looks me in the eyes and then burrows his face in my neck.

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