Chapter 48

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Magnus and I arrived at a forest area that looked beautifully picturesque. There was a stunning plateau of green, mountian flowers blooming. In the middle was a small lake where birds dipped their beaks. It was so stunning, I felt instantly at peace. Magnus held my hand, and I felt that in this moment, it felt right. I looked at him as he pulled me toward some brush, and I realised that I had held back the feelings I had inside.

Back at Hornwood, we had connected. We fell apart when I realised he worked for my father. Then we we were sealed and the dynamic changed. I had tried with every effort to block him out, but it was inevitable. The feelings of what could have been, mixed with the power of the sealing, was overwhelming.

Magnus stops at what appears to be a rock and brushes some weeds away. All I saw was rock. Magnus reading my thoughts smiles.

"My love, do you doubt our power?"

Magnus draws energy and pushes it unto the rock. It shatters, revealing a wooden door. I look at him with doubt.

"Really? Tharn made it that easy? One rock shattered, and that's it?"

Magnus smiles and pulls me towards him. He leans down and kisses me deeply.

"He wants us to come. Of course, he would make it easier. "

Magnus pushes the door aside and enters. At first, we stand in complete darkness, and then a flash of lights comes on, leading us down a slight slope. We were clearly heading down. We approach a door, and something hits me. It's like a car crash and my energy, no, my power is drained from me. Instinctively, I turn to leave, but Magnus pulls me back.

"Rose, he won't let us enter with our powers. It is too much of a risk. "

I nod, trusting in Magnus. I had been in this position before. If I was in danger, the Mother would protect me.

We follow a long corridor and eventually reach another door with a keypad. Magnus types in the code, and then we enter.

We walk into an almost replica of the lab like environment that we had been in before. It was quieter, though. It's almost like a ghost town. Magnus pulls me down to the right, and we walk into a room. Inside, it looks like we have entered a normal apartment. There is an open plan living room and kitchen. To the right, there is a door which I assume is a bedroom, and to the right, Magnus reveals a bathroom. The apartment is so extravagant that I feel special.

Magnus walks into the bathroom and starts to pull off his clothes. I turn away out of respect, but my eyes wander catching glimpes of his toned torso. He turns as he pulls his trousers off. I reluctantly pull my gaze away. I had to keep my mind clear. No sooner had I turned away did Magnus grab and draw me to him, his lips desperately seeking mine. I tried to ignore the fact I was body to body with him, completely naked. I feel his need for me. I can feel something new and unexpected. I wanted him.

Magnus turns his back to me and walks into the shower. He turns the water on, and it cascades down him back, round his bum and down his legs. Without turning his body, he looks back at me, his eyes full of need. I look at him. He looks every inch, the viking king. He is insatiable.

Yet, my modesty pulls me back. Despite my obvious feelings, I had never been in this position before. All of sudden, I feel innately human. Butterflies fill my stomach as I push the door of the bathroom closed. I make my way to the bed and breathe and sigh deeply. Reality hits me as I become aware of my surroundings. I had completely let my guard down in my father's secret base. I had to be more sensible.

I sat on the edge of the bed, awkward and uncomfortable. Finally, Magnus walks back into the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He looks at me with that smile. Walking over to me, he pushes himself between my legs and wraps his arms around me.

"I will wait for you, my love."

With his words, I feel a pressure release from me. He had revealed that there were no expectations. Of course, my connection with his, as my husband was always strong, it made me...unstable. Yet, despite that, there was a hesitancy that I couldn't overcome.

There was a very brief tap on the door, and my father entered with what appeared to be a nurse. She held a clipboard in her hand. His welcome was not warm.

"Taqeph, Magus. I trust you have settled well. It is good that you have become...more acquainted. Now, since you have chosen correctly to come to me, I must ask a few questions"

I just stare at him with wrath. If he would have only left us alone.

"First, I want to know my father is safe."

Tharn looks at me. I can see he disagrees with my choice of words.

"He isn't your father. A human could never create an Enki. But, I know you have a...concern for the human, and so he is safe. For now. "

"For now? You got what you wanted. Let him go. Let Amahle go, too. "

He smiles smugly like he knows something I don't.

"Your, "father" will be released when I get what I want. Amahle is a fine specimen. She, of course, was released the moment you arrived. "

I look at Magnus, but he doesn't give anything away.

"And what do you want?"

Tharn looks at me and then to Magnus. A brief expression of shock covers his face but quickly returns to his usual unbothered look.

"Must I spell it out to you, daughter? I guess with an absent mother, you weren't taught the basic principles of procreation?"

My face burns red. Of course, that was his intention. What else would he want from me. Not a father daughter relationship that was for sure. I look a Magnus. It all finally clicks.

"You want me to procreate? With him?"

Tharn laughs, which was so unusual that it shocked me.

"My dear daughter. Whatever else did you think was going to happen? "

I turn to Magnus and try to read his face. His expression remains fixed through practice, but his eyes dart away from mine.

"You knew about this?"

Then there was that look of guilt. I feel the rage rise in me, the power of the mother.

"Rose, it was the only choice we had."

"Because of Amahle?"

His eyes lower. What was he trying to tell me.

"Amahle, she was never in danger?"

Tharn laughs behind me. I spin around, and with only human strength, I slap him across the cheek. He didn't expect it, and without his powers, he was unable to defend himself fast enough. His face sours as he grabs me by the face. The nurse scrambles out of the way.

I give in to The Mother. Emotion overwhelming me. She whispers to me. I feel at peace. I feel her power rise.

Then suddenly it drains. I look down at my arm, a needle hanging out of it. My fathers face is the last thing I see before I pass out.

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