Chapter 18

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We sat and stared into each others eyes for a long time. It had been a welcoming surprise to have kissed Magnus but now I didn't know what to do? How do you start a conversation after sharing such an intimate moment with someone?

Magnus placed his hand on my cheek and i covered it with my own. I shut my eyes and revel in the feel of his touch. So this was what the girls at  school had been talking about that i had never had the pleasure of experiencing. I really felt on top of cloud nine and i didn't want to come down.

I feel a buzz in my head someone pushing against my mental boundaries. That someone was trying to get into my head.

I pull away from Magnus suddenly. Surely he wouldn't have lied to me about being able to listen into my thoughts?

"Why are you trying to get into my head?"

A look of confusion crossed his face and it seemed genuine.

"I'm not babe."

"I believe you but someone is."

Magnus scanned the room then sped over to the window.

"I sense someone near. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I was so distracted kissing you that I let you become endangered."

My mind flashbacks to the kiss and i feel a heat deep within me. Magnus speeds back to me, grabs my face, leans down and kisses me. The quickness of it all is like being caught in a whirlwind.

"Magnus you haven't endangered me."

He smiles at me and i melt like chocolate. 

"Maybe not but just to be sure I'll have a check around the grounds."

One last kiss and then he was away. Part of me wanted to tell myself to calm my feelings down but another part of me wanted to give in to it. When have i ever had happiness in my life until now? I don't have to worry about my safety, i feel powerful enough to fight and i have a home. Never have i had any of these, perhaps it is my time.

The familiar push in my head appears again this time I recognise who it is.


My heart begins to beat against my chest. It was him it was really him.

Rose, I do not have long until Magnus finds me. You cannot trust him. He is close, i will be with you when it is time.

Just as easily as my happiness had came it floated away. Not even an hour of peace and joy. Did I really expect a happy ending?

I didn't have to wait long for Magnus's return. Thankfully he was alone and obviously not happy. He approaches me with slight hostility and it puts me on high alert. I decide to move towards him and position myself closer to the doors to the garden.

When we meet the energy pounds between us and he can sense it.

"Babe I'm not here to hurt you."

It was an interesting choice of words. How was he aware of my thoughts? I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Keeping my cards close to my chest was my only option now. Starting with putting my mental walls up.

"Did you find anyone?"

"Yes, I did. It was Christophe but he is fast. I'm confused to why he would want to run away from me. Maybe you know why?"

It was accusatory even if it was hidden behind a smile. I had to play the fool at least until I knew who to trust.

"It was Christophe? He is coming back?"

I added just enough hope and happiness in those words. Magnus looked lost and i couldn't tell if it was because he didn't believe me or because I was happy that Christophe had returned.

"Yes he is and you didn't know? Surely you would have felt him. Earlier when you asked me if I was in your mind it was him wasn't it?"

I had to tell some truths. I didnt want to wind Magnus up anymore than he already was.

"I think it was but I blocked him. He tried to contact me again but then you returned."

His eyes screwed up and i knew he was weighing up whether i was telling the truth or not.

"Reach out to him. Ask him why he ran. Tell him to come back, that he will not find trouble here."

He crosses the space between us and pulls me to him. I wanted to be lost in his arms but I knew i couldn't. Reluctantly i pull away although it takes all of my strength.

"I'll try to search for him but maybe it is me he is hiding from."

This makes him pause and momentarily distracts him from my rejection.

"You really think he would hide from you? Can you not see it Rose? Can you not see how he has fallen under your spell like i have?"

I slowly start to back up to the doors. He called me Rose not Tracey and that was what it took to convince me. My heart crushed against my chest. All this time it was all a lie.

He wasn't quick enough to realise his mistake. I bolted as fast as I could out of the doors and into the gardens. All I focus on is running as fast as I can. My tears were like bullets sliding off my cheeks.

I needed Christophe i needed him now. How naive i have been. I send out an urgent call.

Christophe please help me. I need you. I need you now.

I didn't care if Magnus heard me, let him. He did teach me one thing worthwhile: that i was powerful. I let out some thoughts for him and him only.

If you follow me i will fight you.

I didnt have to wait long for a reply.

I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

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