Chapter 5

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I can hear the faint whisper of singing and as i walk down a long dark passageway i see light at the end of the tunnel. When i reach the entrance the singing increases and the human source of the noises are swaying back and forth as if possessed. I am drawn to the centre of the room where an alter sits, covered in symbols of some ancient language that i do not recognise. Lying on the alter is a young girl with long dark hair that is almost black and her eyes shine like crystals. She is all but naked apart from the markings that cover her skin they are the same symbols that are carved into the alter. 

My pulse increases as does the energy in the room. From behind me a man appears and behind him a black panther as dark as night trails after him. The man summons the panther up onto the alter and it obeys placing its paws to either side of the beautiful girl so that its muzzle is directly above her head. The panther lets out a low growl and i jump feeling the fear of being so close to a wild animal. If the girl was afraid she doesn't show it instead she turns her eyes to the man and nods her head. 

The singing, swaying and energy increase to a crescendo as the man pulls out a solid gold knife and slices the panthers throat. The urge to throw up is beaten by the pure interest in what the girl does next. She opens her mouth and begins to gulp down the blood. 

I wake up suddenly in a pool of my own sweat, my heart beating quickly behind my chest.  What was that about? It was as if the diaries i have been reading hijacked my dreams yet it seemed so real. The girl from my dreams looked so familiar as if i have met her before but i cannot fathom from where. Ill have to put it down to a vivid imagination and reaction to undue stress. I allow my body to take a long stretch and mentally prepare for today.

The early morning light bounces of the walls and i can finally see the room clearly. It is clean and very neat: not like the rest of the school at all.

 I can only come to the conclusion that Christophe had been expecting me and had prepared in advance, a chilling thought. As disappointment clouds my mind i can't help but wonder why my dad didn't tell me what his intentions were. I'm sure if he had explained i would have understood and accepted it. Maybe he knows me better than i know myself. Would have i came here willingly or would i have made a break for freedom like i had thought about many times before. 

I can't count how many times i thought that i would be better off running away from whatever dingy hotel i was living in. Even when we had rented apartments i still never felt at home.

 When i was sixteen i met a girl called Tracy who had grown up in the foster system and we bonded instantly. She was the only person that i could consider calling my best friend. Dad never knew about her, he got strange when i became close with anyone so i pretended that i was my usual loner self and sneak out when my dad went to work. 

Tracy understood my dilemma of moving from one place to the next never knowing where your forever home would be. She never had a real mother or a father so could relate to me on that level as well. When i told her i was leaving again we held each other for what felt like hours. She cried and i cried but we both accepted that this was how our lives were. 

As a parting gift she gave me a banged up old mobile phone that used to be hers so that i could text or phone her when i got the chance. I knew i couldn't tell my dad i had one as they were strictly forbidden, we only used payphones, so i could only sneak a text here or there. I left her just three days ago and i thought that my dad leaving would be the perfect time to reach out to her but of course that has been right royally crushed.

I force myself out of bed and search in my bags for my fluffy nightgown; i'm going to need all the comfort i can get today. I opt for bare feet as i want to walk around the place without Christophe doing his usual appearing when not wanted act. 

I push my door gently open and creep down the hall looking in each room. There is more of the same really: empty rooms some with furniture covered with white sheets. I refrain from thinking about anything as i know Christophe will somehow be able to hear me and i really don't enjoy the privacy invasion. 

As i make my way down the corridor i become aware of soft grunting as if from short bursts of exertion and as i continue down the corridor it becomes louder and louder. Curiosity gets the better of me and i tip toe towards the noise. 

When i reach the room i am momentarily  stunned but not disgusted at what i see: Christophe is working out on the floor doing sit ups. He is wearing jogging pants but is topless and my eyes try hard not to roam over his well toned abs. He isn't altogether repulsive i think. I realise my mistake as the thought enters my brain and Christophe stops his workout and turns to look at me in the doorway, sweat dripping from his brow. He smiles his lazy smile and says:

"Miss Renoit i am impressed, i haven't taught you anything and yet you've managed to avoid my mind reading well some of it. I am not easily impressed: not by a young girl like yourself."

The way he puts focus on the word girl annoys me for some reason which i can't put my finger on. My face flames up realizing he must know that i was thinking about his body. I almost spit back at him:

"You'd be much more impressed if you actually did teach me something. I am a quick learner. Apparently."

My words are harsh but then i have no reason to be kind. This man has practically kidnapped me, shown me that the world I've known is actually about ten percent of the real one and been rude the entire time. I have every right to be harsh with him...and a little embarrassed. 

"I wouldn't say i kidnapped you. Your father gave me his parental consent and you never ran. Kidnap refers to being held unwillingly"

I need to stop thinking about so many things or at least try to make them a little obscure.

"Mr DeVain please will you stop doing that"

"Mind reading? I thought we'd been through this?"

"Yes we have but i have a right to my own thoughts. Trust or no trust i am here am i not? That takes a degree of trust as well. How about tit for tat?"

Christophe wipes his brow with a towel and considers my request.

"Did you have any interesting dreams last night?"

For a brief moment i rack my brain for anything embarrassing that i may have dreamed of and the dream comes back to me. I frown, great he can see my dreams now. Perfect.

"Do not worry i didn't delve too much just enough to understand you a little better. It was very...interesting."

How is this fair? I feel so exposed. i allow myself to feel sad at the realization that this might be my life now. 

Christophe stands suddenly and walks towards me wiping the sweat from his body with a towel. He stops so he is directly in front of me, i do not look up at his face, my emotions are a whirlwind of sadness, anger and fear. 

"Miss Renoit i apologise. It has been so long since i have been in the company of another. I realise not what you envisaged for your future.  Your father told me that you have always wanted somewhere to call home. I know it may not seem it but eventually i would hope that this would be your home. It must have been hard for you to have been moved from town to town. I am lucky i was born a male so they have no use for me but a girl verging on a woman, now, that is exactly what they are looking for."

They? What does he mean? Where is this conversation going. 

Am i finally about to get some well deserved answers?

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