Chapter 62

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I look at Tharn completely flabbergasted. Thee Joan of Arc? The historical figure people talk about in school? Surely not. I watched on as my father bear hugged the woman.

"Tu n'as pas changé"

"En anglais s'il vous plaît. My daughter doesn't speak French."

Joan looks at me with fascination and, in her heavily thick French accent, says

"Tharn had a daughter? Je n'y crois pas!"

She had an air of fancy about her. She was very French.

"Mine and Calista's. Joan, I called you because you are one of the only Enki I can trust and the strongest. There is a war coming."

Joan laughed.

"Non. I refuse to join another senseless war. I burned for days after the last and then had to go into hiding for over a hundred years."

"You fought once for a God."

"The humans God. Their conviction was very convincing despite its ridiculousness."

"What if I told you that it was true."

Joan paused.

"I would not be surprised. I fought for their God. It would make the pain worth it."

I stepped forward and inserted myself into the conversation.

"I wish we could have more time to get to know one another, but time is limited..."

She turns away from me and to my father.

"So God exists?"

I contain my anger. Only just. Tharn looks at me, and he has a look of amusement on his face. Joan laughs.

"Quelle, suprise! Tharn is ruled by his daughter!"

I do not hesitate, but send her flying through the wall into the next room. I was barely trying. From out the rubble, she storms prepared to blast me with energy. A ball flies, aiming on my stomach. I step out of the way without effort. Faster than the speed of light. She sends another in quick, and it flies past me, causing damage into the next room.

Eventually, Tharn steps in front of us both.

"Ladies. Can't we all play together? I've spent many years and much money to create this lab. In less than ten seconds, you have destroyed two rooms."

I back down, knowing she couldn't outmatch me. Joan was livid. The French fury came out of her in powerful waves.

"C'est impossible! A child cannot outmanoeveur me."

"She isn't any child, Joan. She has the Mother in her."

She paused. Searching me up and down.

"I don't understand Tharn. Is this the reason you have called me? To tell me that the mother has possessed your child?"

"Non Joan. I've called you because Magnus was murdered by some unknown thing. They have weapons that can kill us."

Joan was silent for the longest time. But nodded.

"D'accord. I believe you."

She let out a massive laugh and wrapped her arms around me. At first I stiffened but found myself joining her laugh. She pushed me out to look into my eyes.

"The Mother. She really is in you? I know I have never felt a power like yours before so it must be true. But to believe that we can be killed. That I struggle with!"

"I wish it was not so but it is. You have never heard talk of another power on Earth other than Enki?"

She shook her head.

"Never. But I do know an Enki that might. They do not blend in with the humans and choose to spend their time as a recluse. They are older than Tharn. One of the originals."

She turned to Tharn.

"I am surprised you have never mentioned your father Tharn."

I can sense unease coming from my father.

"You know I have not seen him years. You have no right to say this in front of Tapeqh!"

I had a grandfather!?

"Forgive me Tharn. I did not know. I would never have said anything had I known."

"There is a room made ready for you. Go. We will discuss things later."

She leaves the room like a dog with its tail between its leg.

Tharn doesn't look at me but I could tell from his energy that he was livid.

I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want to push him. He eventually turned to me with a pained look in his face.

"Do not ask me about him Tapeqh. If you thought I was bad then he is ten times worse. The thing with Enki is that when you start to dilute the blood the more human you become. My father could not live with it. He saw me as impure..."

He got up and left the room without another word. I was reeling from his words. The mother was in me but I wasn't privy to all her knowledge. I reach for her but she does not respond.

It was a confusing feeling to see my father suffer. After all he had done I sympathised with him. It become crystal clear that the relationship he had with his father had made him into the person he was today. The pieces connected.

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