Chapter 24

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Christophe and i hovered at the boundaries of Hornwood Estate. So far there were no signs of life but it didnt take a rocket scientist to work out that it didn't mean a thing. My father would always be one step ahead, what we had to do was predict exactly what that was. 

We had been crouched in the nearby trees for over three hours. Patience was our key and unfortunately it was starting to get to me. I was never one for quiet contemplation. I was run in all guns blazing and have faith that it would all work out. Nine times out of ten they did.

Christophe however had been frozen in place, not talking or moving for an hour. He clearly had enough patience for both us. I guess he was waiting for the most opportune moment. If things didn't speed up soon I'd take the situation into my own hands.

After another unbearable half hour ticked by my resolve caved.

Christophe what is the plan? We've been here for hours and there is no sign of then. Let's get the car now before its too late.

Christophe turned to me and frowned. He placed his finger to his mouth and pointed straight ahead. I followed his fingers in the direction of  the window to where the living room was. At first i saw nothing but then saw the bulk of Magnus pace passed the window. So they were in the house.

I can see Magnus but how can we not sense them?

They must be blocking energies. It's an ability that is very rare. It works in our favour as they will also be unable to feel us. We need to wait for the perfect moment.

Perfect moment? How long was that going to take. This waiting game is really starting to get on my nerves. In my frustration the solution came to me.

Christophe listen, we can wait here for eternity and they will still have the upper hand or we can bluff them.

Christophe turned to me ready for a fight but I raised my hand to stop him.

I need you to trust me. Can you do that?

I have trusted in him this entire time. Now it was his turn to have faith. I could see that he wanted to object but in the end I saw his resolve weaken. Eventually he nodded.

Thank you. We have to divide and conquer, it's the only way. You are not going to like it but I am going to be the bait.

Rose. No. Not going to happen.

Christophe hear me out. You know the house and the grounds. How long would it take you to get from here to the garage?

Five minutes give or take a minute depending on whether the garage is open or not.

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