Chapter 27

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The walk had been long and arduous. If we hadn't been blindfolded it would have been easier for us all to have used our powers to get there quicker but my mother was being cautious. Knowing my father I understood her reluctance to want to share her location.

It was weird to call her my mother. All my life I thought she was dead. For years I had cried myself to sleep when I had needed a mothers love and now I was going to finally meet her. I didn't know what to expect. Would I have the mother daughter relationship I had always craved for or would she be as alien to me as my father was. Time to find out.

We came to a stop and I reached out my energy to get a grip on where we were. When was this blindfold going to be removed?

Energy came crashing around me and I prepared for it to send me flying but instead I heard, and felt, Christophe fly into something solid. Screw this I thought as I ripped of the blindfold.

It took me a few second to find my bearings. We were on a mountain at the very peak. The ground rolled out into a plateau, surrounded by trees, allowing for a few Tipes and a warming camp fire. I hadn't realised that it had gotten dark.

I turned to search for Christophe and found him in a pile of rocks. His shoulder was at an odd angle, very clearly dislocated. Blood seeped out from a variety of different locations. I ran to him. I didn't look for incoming danger to myself, I just ran to him.

By the time I had reached Christophe his breathing had come back and small sharp moans were coming from his mouth.

"Christophe are you okay?"

It was a stupid question but adrenaline blocks your rationality.

"I'm fine. I deserve this."

"You're not fine and you don't deserve this!"

Once I knew that Christophe was alive I turned to face the throbbing power coming from behind. Christophe's words echoed in my mind: your emotions make you weak.

"Yes your emotions will make you weak."

There she was. My mother. She could have been a mirror. I recognised her from the dream I first had when I was staying at Hornwood. Her hair was still long and black. Her skin a beautiful deep bronze. She didnt have strange markings on her body now.

I didn't know what to say to her. With my father there had been a threat and I had answered that with anger. Anger was an emotion that I understood. It was useful in times when daddy dearest is trying to use you for his own political Enki gains.

I looked at her, really looked. I could tell instantly that she too didn't know what to say or do. We had spent all our lives apart and yet here I was an identical copy.

I felt Christophe move behind me and begin to rise up. My mother's arm raised to send another blow of energy towards him. I threw myself to the ground and wrapped my body around Christophe's. All I could think of was to protect him. If it was a weakness so be it.

Something strange happened. As one, Christophe and I combined our power with the singular need to protect each other. The blow that should have come disapated into thin air as if it never was. I looked up expecting another blow but none came.

Calista stared at me for a long time. I could tell she was surprised but it didn't show on her face. But I knew. She began to walk towards us. Reluctantly I gathered a ball of energy in my hands. What a way to say hello to the mother I had never known.

Before I could retaliate, Christophe placed his hand on my arm and lowered it.

"Its okay Rose. I deserve this. It will be over soon."

It was over when I said it was over. If Calista had a problem with my choices then she could take it out on me.

I stood up and walked towards her. This made her pause for a second but not stop.

"If you want to punish Christophe. Then you'll have to go through me."

I stormed towards her using my 'weak' emotions and turning it into strong energy. I flung the ball towards her with all the strength I had.

With the dexterity of a cat she slinked out of the way with lightning speed sending the energy crashing into woman Enki behind her. They flew into the air landing with a crash which sent an echo for miles.


It wasn't what she said, it was the way she said it that made me halt. It was as if I was transported to my six year old self, getting in trouble for not eating my dinner.

"Taqeph, I do not want to fight you. I have dreamed of the day that I would finally meet you, my daughter."

My daughter. Taqeph?

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