Chapter 60

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I wasn't sure if I screamed myself awake, but the people around me jumped several feet back as I opened my eyes. Power flew in to me, lighting up every part of my body. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the room. Everything was crystal clear, lines were defined, and colours were vivid. I felt like a newborn, seeing life for the first time the very purest of my form. Memories came back to me like a train crash. Everything was disordered and pushed every corner of my brain as it filled me back up. What seemed like minutes was seconds as I came to, eventually identifying those that were in the room with me.

First, I saw Christophe. His beauty was incomparable. I remembered our relationship slowly, but I knew that there were feelings there. My transition flashed into memory, as did the past few months. The bond that had held us together was no longer there. By the look in Christophe's eyes, he knew it, too. The overwhelming lack of emotional control around him was gone. I knew that I had loved him, but with the bond gone, I couldn't identify exactly how I felt anymore, and neither did I see it as a priority.

Looking to his right, I saw my mother, well the woman that had birthed me into earth and the man that claimed to be my father. They were close, lovers close. I remembered that they had been estranged, so it was confusing to see his arm around her waist. As my eyes travelled to their clasped hands, my mother dropped his instantly. I could feel Tharn's annoyance, but he had somehow cooled since we had last spoken. What had been going on since I left?

Christophe stood hesitantly at my side. I could tell he was fighting the urge to touch me, but with the bond gone, I could feel his vulnerability. It wasn't time to make him feel better. I had work to do.

"How long have I been asleep?"

No one replies, shocked by my directness. I push myself upright in the hospital bed. It was miraculous that I felt no pain.

"Do I need to ask again or..."

Tharn stepped forward, apparently calmer under shock.

"Just under two months."

Two months... the conversation with the mother had seemed like minutes. How could it have been two months!

I swiftly pushed my legs out of the bed and started to walk. Again, everyone followed my movements with shock. It was starting to get irritating.

"You are all watching me like a baby taking its first steps. Please stop. I am fine."

My mother stepped forward.

"You shouldn't have the strength you do. You were human and weak. Now you walk as if nothing had ever happened."

"Everything has changed. We don't have much time. Too much will have happened in two months. I need an update. Has anyone heard anything? Any attacks on Enki?"

My mother sighed audibly. Tharn looked at me, curious. Christophe began to leave the room.

"Stop Christophe.'

It came out harsher than I wanted, but there were bigger things to worry about than hurt feelings. My mother stood in front of me. I didn't need to look at her face to know she was irritated.

"Tapeqh, what is wrong with you? I barely recognise you. Christophe has been by your side all these weeks, and you barely give him the time of day. We thought you were dead. We turned off your life support."

Christophe raised his hands.

"Calista, don't push. Let's all just give her space."

"Don't speak as if I'm not in the room. I'm not sick, I did not die. There are things I have to explain to you all. There isn't time for us to have feelings."

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