Rise of the cybermen part one

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In the Tardis the Doctor and Rose are sat on the jump seat, Mickey is holding a button on the console and Ky has yet to make it to the console room.
"And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes? Do you remember? the way she looked at you! And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!" The Doctor says to Rose, not paying attention to Mickey and he hasn't really noticed Ky was not there either.
"I thought I was going to get frazzled!" Rose laughed out.
"Yeah. One minute she's standing there, and the next minute roar!" The Timelord says imitating flames coming from his mouth.
"Yeah. where was that, then? What happened?" Mickey says, just then Ky walks into the console room and walks up to the man.
"Oh, it was on this er, this er planet thing. Asteroid. It's a long story, you had to be there. Er, what're you doing that for?" The Doctor says now just Mickey still pressing the button.
"Because you told me to."
"When was that?"
"About half an hour ago"
"Er, you can let go now." The Doctor sheepishly says. Ky casts him a glare because she realised he forgot her friend, in fact her and Mickey were now very close.
"Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?" The man asks the Timelord.
"Ten minutes? Twenty? Twenty nine?" He replies quietly, he decided not to look at his daughter. He can feel her glare and really does not want to look at her face and see the anger and disappointment on it. They had talked about just this thing and he had promised to try and be better but he had gone and done it again.
"You just forgot me! Kyrai he just forgot me, again!" Mickey says releasing the button and turning to the redhead, who just grabs his hand and growls at her dad.
"No, no, no. I was just, I was, I was calibrating. I was just. No, I know exactly what I'm doing." The Doctor says trying to defend himself. Just then the time rotor blows up. The Tardis begins to violently shake.
"What's happened?" Rose asked.
"The time vortex is gone. That's impossible. It's just gone. Brace yourself! We're going to crash!" The Doctor exclaims.
The Tardis comes to a sudden stop, and gas masks drop from the ceiling. The power is off. It dark and lifeless.
"Everyone all right? Kyraiah? Rose? Mickey?" The Doctor asks everyone. Rose nods as he helps her up.
"Fine dad, are you okay?" Ky asks as Mickey helps her up and holds her in is arms. Ky gives Mickey a look, silently asking him to answer so she knows he's okay.
"I'm fine. I'm okay. Sorry. Yeah." He says looking down at the redhead. Rose notices their little moment and smiles, she looks to the Doctor out of the corner of her eye to see if he saw and it appears not.
"She's dead. The Tardis is dead." He says looking at every inch of the console. Little did rose know he did see the moment between the man and his daughter but decided not to say anything, how could he she had told him to be nice and not forget him and yet he had done just that earlier on.
"You can fix it?" Rose asked him.
"There's nothing to fix. She's perished. The last Tardis in the universe. Extinct." The Doctor said buck to her.
"We can get help, yeah?"
"Where from?" Ky asks her friend as her and Mickey approach the door, very much against her will.
"Well, we've landed. We've got to be somewhere." Rose said to the redhead.
"We fell out of the vortex, through the void, into nothingness. We're in some sort of no place. The silent realm. The lost dimension." The Doctor said sadly.
Mickey opens the door and drags Ky right behind him as he exits.
"Otherwise known as London." He says and Ky just looks back at her dad and best friend.

"London, England, Earth. Hold on." He says as he jumps down off of the little ridge he was on and next to a bench to pick up a discarded newspaper.
"First of February this year not exactly far flung, is it?"
"So this is London." The Doctor says looking up at the same time as his daughter.
"Yep." He says.
"Your city." Ky asks him.
"That's the one." He says back to her.
"Just as we left it." The Doctor says to him, he was not getting the hint.
"Bang on."
"And does that include all the Zeppelins? Did London have those flying about? Was I just blind before or..." Ky says to him as he looks up.
"What the hell?" He says looking at the massive airships passing overhead.
"That's beautiful." Rose says.
"Okay, so it's London with a big international Zeppelin festival." Mickey says.
"Yeah I don't think so Mickey. It feels wrong." Ky tells him, it doesn't feel like their universe should.
"Kys right. This is not your world." The Doctor tells him.
"But if the date's the same, it's parallel, right? Am I right? Like a parallel Earth where they've got Zeppelins. Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?" The human male asked the two Timelords.
"Must be." The both replied.
"So, a parallel world where..." Rose said noticing something.
"Oh, come on. You've seen it on films. Like an alternative to our world where everything's the same but a little bit different, like, I don't know, traffic lights are blue, Tony Blair never got elected." Mickey said to her.
"And he's still alive." Rose says staring at an advert for Vitex Lite, cherry flavour, starring Pete Tyler. "A parallel world and my dad's still alive."
"Don't look at it, Rose. Don't even think about it. This is not your world." The Doctor tells her.
"But he's my dad and..." She touches the advert, triggering a short film.
" Trust me on this." Advert Pete says. "...Well, that's weird. But he's real." Rose finishes what she was saying.
"Trust me on this."
"He's a success. He was always planning these daft little schemes. Health food, drinks and stuff. Everyone said they were useless. But he did it."  She says slightly stunned. Ky grabs her friend and turns her to look at her. "Rose, do you trust me..." Ky asks her and Rose nodded. "...then you have to listen to me now. Stop looking at it. Your Dad's dead. He died when you were just six months old. That is not your Pete, do you understand me? That is a Pete. For all we know, he's got his own Jackie, his own Rose. His own daughter who is someone else, but not you. You can't see him. Not ever." Kyraiah said to her looking at her straight in the eye and the advert starts up again.
"Trust me on this. Trust me on this. Trust me on this. Trust me on this."

In the Tardis both Timelords are having a look around when Mickey walks in.
"I told you to keep an eye on her." The Doctor said to him.
"Oh lay off him dad." Ky thinks to her dad.
"He needed to stay with Rose what if she got in trouble." He thought back.
"She's all right." Mickey said to him as Ky projected "She's smart dad, she understands what can and come happen." The Doctor had no doubts that Ky was right but at the same time all those things out there that could be used to tempt Rose. So he doesn't reply to her but uses his next works carefully for both of them.
"She goes wandering off. Parallel world, it's like a gingerbread house. All those temptations calling out."
"Oh, so it's just Rose, then? Nothing out there to tempt me?" Mickey says looking at the other male, he knows Ky knows what could be out there for him for they have spoke about his past and got to know each other pretty well.
"Well, I don't know, I can't worry about everything. If I could just get this thing to..." The Doctor says and kicks the console.
"Did that help?" Mickey asks him.
"Yes." The man replied.
"Did that hurt?" Was his next question.
"Yes. Ow." Was all the Timelord said.
"Why must you always hit her. For the love of my sanity, just sit down and shut up. You massive man child." Ky said and she walked away from her father to see if she could find something to fix this mess. The Doctor just looked at his daughter, his mouth slightly agape, as Mickey tried to stifle a laugh. She wasn't like this often but when she was it was hilarious to everyone else but the one it was directed at, which was usually the older Timelord.

"We're not meant to be here. The Tardis draws it's power from the universe, but it's the wrong universe. It's like diesel in a petrol engine." The Doctor said to Mickey. The Doctor sat on the jump seat and Mickey leant again the console. Ky was off to the side looking intently for something, like she knew what they needed.
"But I've seen it in comics. People go hopping from one alternative world to another. It's easy." Mickey said to him.
"Not in the real world, at least not anymore. It used to be easy. When our kind, the Timelords, kept their eyes on everything, you could hop between realities, home in time for tea. Then they died, and took it all with them. The walls of reality closed, the worlds were sealed. Everything became that bit less kind. A bit less happy."Kyraiah said over her shoulder.
"Then how did we get here?" Mickey asked them.
"I don't know. Accident? Should've been impossible. Now we're trapped." The Doctor said.
Just then Kyraiahs eyes spotted what she was hopping for. "Dad over here." She called him.
He rushed over and saw what she was looking at.
"What's that?" He said looking at a tiny green light.
"What?" Mickey said not seeing what was so important
"That, there. Is that a reflection? It's a light! Is it? Is that a light? I think that's a light. That's all we need. We've got power! Mickey, we've got power! Ha! Oh princess, you are amazing!" The Doctor said as him and his daughter started taking up the floor, he meant over and kissed her head.
The Doctor watched as his daughter climbed down below the main part of the console. She was the smallest so it made sense for her to go down the hole, he didn't have to like it though. Him and the human male sat nearby.
"It's alive!" The Doctor giddily said.
"What is it?" Mickey asked as Ky pulled bits of wires and other stuff and passed it to the two males.

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