Chapter 1

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Sierra's POV:
My name's Sierra. Sierra Danielle Grayson. I'm 14 and I live in New York City with my mom, step-dad, older sister and little brother. We live in a pretty big pent house fairly close to Central Park, so there's a lot to do. I have long blonde hair and hazel eyes. Let's get things straight: I'm most certainly not a brat. Just because my mom's famous doesn't mean I get to act all spoiled and rich all the time. I fangirl over celebrities like every other girl my age.

You probably know what it feels like to lose someone you love, right? Because I do. 6 years ago, I watched my very own father take his last breath. Cancer. That's the evil disease that claimed my father. I still think about him everyday, remembering that last shaky breath he took, my tears streaming down as I held onto him. I still remember his voice. The cologne he used. Everything about him.

"Sierra!" My mom calls me from downstairs.
"Yeah mom?" I ask, leaning on the banister that leads downstairs.
"Can you get your sister? We have some exciting news." She says eagerly.
Oh no. The last time she said that, she told us she was pregnant with my now two year old brother, Samuel.
"Soph! Mom wants us!" I yell down the hallway at my 17 year old sister, Sophia.
We trudge down the large set of stairs and I plop down on the humongous sofa.
"Well, you know who the Beckham's are, right?" My mom asks.
"OF COURSE!" I squeal as my Sophia rolls her eyes.
"Well, Victoria and I have actually known each other before we had you guys."
I feel my jaw drop.
"Why didn't you tell us??" I ask.
"I didn't want to get your hopes up, I guess?" She replies. "But we're going to one of her fashion shows and then going back to London to live with them for awhile because Vic and I will be starting our own fashion line!" My mom says.
This is too much for me to handle.
How do you make an astonishing impression on a family as world famous as the Beckham's?

Sorry this was so short!! More?

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