Chapter 9

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Sierra's POV:
I wake up the next morning, feeling extremely depressed. I look at my phone and the clock says 7:30 AM. I'm up way to early. I head to the bathroom and notice the door to Brooklyn's room open. He's not in his bed and it's nicely made. I wonder where he is. I head down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone. I go to the kitchen when I see Brooklyn sitting on the counter on his phone. He looks up and notices me.
"Morning. Don't eat anything. I'm taking you out somewhere. Go get dressed." He says.
"Ughh. Fine." I say, treading back up the stairs and into my room.
I pick out a cute outfit because Brooklyn said we're going to be out most of the day. I need to keep my appearance 'nice' so my mom doesn't get a bad 'rep'

I walk down the stairs and grab my purse. Brooklyn looks up from the note he was writing for our families.
"Ready?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips.
"Y-yeah." He stutters.
I roll my eyes as he opens the front door for me and we get into the van. We pull up to Ihop to get some breakfast. We get out of the car, paparazzi bombarding us. Brooklyn grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd until we get to the door. We finally get into the restaurant and get seated. I order chocolate chip pancakes and Brooklyn orders the same thing.
"What's something you've always wanted to do?" He asks me.
"Anything? Well, to be completely honest, it was to meet you and your family..." I say, looking down.
"Really? Wow... Thanks." He says, smiling as he scratches the back of his neck.
"But I've always wanted to learn how to ride a penny board..." I smirk, knowing he knows how to ride one.
"I'm on it." He says, taking my hand as he leads me through paparazzi once again.
"Brooklyn, is it true your mum and Sierra's have a new line coming out?"
"Sierra, is it true you're staying with the Beckham's?"
"Are you two dating?"
Brooklyn and I look at each other when someone asks that and just about die laughing. I scoot over so Brooklyn can sit down next to me. He shuts the door and I'm crying laughing.
"I can't breathe!" We say at the same time, causing us to laugh even harder.

We pull up to a skate shop and after looking around for about an hour, I finally pick the perfect penny board. I picked a long violet board and go up to the register to pay for it. I carry it out of the store, Brooklyn following behind.
"That took forever." He says, kicking a pebble.
"Yeah, well, I'm very precise." I say, smirking back at him.
"Let's go home so I can teach you how to ride this thing." He says, rolling his eyes.
"Brooklyn?" I ask.
"Yeah?" He looks over at me.
"Thanks. For everything." I say.
He looks into my eyes and smiles and I just about faint. Do I have a crush on Brooklyn?

Okay this story'll probs be really long lol

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