Chapter 10

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Sierra's POV:
So far, I've been in London for a month and it's been pretty cool. Brooklyn's now one of my best friends and he's amazing to me. I hop out of bed and get dressed. Brooklyn told me he's finally teach me how to ride the penny board I bought the other day. I head down the stairs and see everyone sitting in the living room, minus the younger kids, looking at me. Brooklyn gets up and comes towards me.
"Honey, we need to talk." My mom says, wiping away a tear on her cheek
"O-okay. What is it?" I ask, sitting down on the couch, Brooklyn sitting next to me.
"Uh- sweetie, Brooklyn told us something that we want to address." My step-dad says.
"He told us you've been cutting your wrists." My mom says, looking down.
My heart races, my hands become fists and I feel tears spring up in my eyes. I hop up off the couch and turn to Brooklyn.
"How could you do this to me?!" I shout at Brooklyn, who now looks hurt.
"He was just trying to help you out, honey." My mom says, trying to stop me from yelling at him even more.
"I trusted you! You were the only one I counted on!" I yell as I stomp up the stairs and slam my door. I sink down in front of it and put my head in my hands and sob my eyes out.

"Sierra, open the door." My mom says, soothingly.
"Leave. Me. Alone." I mutter, hearing her footsteps fade down the hallway.
I lay on my floor, tissues scattered everywhere. At the time I needed him most, he just had to go and betray me. I look over at the penny board I threw across my room and plop down on my bed.
Great. I have to go to the bathroom. Mine and Brooklyn's room connects through the bathroom. I check the time and it's 9:34 PM. I've been in my room for about 12 hours. He shouldn't be in his room. Slowly, I open my door, seeing the door leading to his room wide open. I make a quick move and close and lock his door. Thank God. I go back to my room, closing my door and locking it again.
"Brooklyn, wake up." Victoria whispers outside my door.
"Huh?" I hear Brooklyn say and then a thump.
He was sleeping outside my door. Wow.
"Mum, I'm not leaving until she comes out." I hear him say.
Looks like you'll be there awhile, Brook.
I sigh and lay down in my bed, scrolling through my phone.

I see a message from Kayli. Everything just got a whole lot worse.

Sorry it was so short! More?

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