Chapter 12

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Sierra's POV:
I walk down the stairs with my penny board.
"Ready?" Brooklyn asks, a gray penny board in his hand.
"I guess.." I say.
"You'll do fine. After all, I'm teaching you." He smiles.
Yes, smiled. With his TEETH. What a rare thing to see, but when he does it, it's amazing.
"Be careful, kids!" David shouts as we head out the door.
We go to the sidewalk in front of his house.
"Just stand on it. Find your balancing point." He says.
"I'm gonna fall if I get on." I say, laughing.
"No you won't, I'll help you." He says, laughing also.
I step on the board and quickly grab onto Brooklyn's shoulders. We're about the same height when I'm standing on the penny board.
"Hey, your fine." He says, looking into my eyes. "Now watch me." He adds.
I get off my penny board and he gets on his own.
"See? It's not so hard!" He shouts from down the street.
He skates back to where I am.
"You try. I'll stand next to you the whole time." He says, helping me stand up on it.
I get a good speed going with Brooklyn walking next to me the whole time. Soon, I hear the clicks of cameras from paparazzi and get distracted. I try to stop but I can't and I panic.
"Brooklyn! How do I stop?!" I shout, picking up speed even faster.
"I probably should've told you that!" He shouts back.
Suddenly, I feel him grab my waist. He picks me up and we fall on the ground laughing. I'm laying on top of Brooklyn Beckham. In front of his neighbor's house. In front of the paparazzi.

We finally get up.
"I think that's enough for one day." Brooklyn says, laughing.
"Agreed." I add.
We walk back into the house.
"How'd it go?" My step dad asks, not looking up from his computer.
"Interesting." I say, laughing at the memory.
"Mhm. I can tell by this picture." He says, smirking.
"Oh my gosh.." I say, embarrassed.
The paparazzi got a picture of me and Brooklyn on top of each other, laughing.
"Did you fall?" He asks, looking up at me.
"Obviously, dad. We weren't just laying on the sidewalk." I roll my eyes laughing.
"Sierra, Sophia! We're going uniform shopping for school tomorrow." My mom calls from the kitchen.
"Okay." I say.
School starts in just a few days. I'm not looking forward to going to the same school as Brooklyn, mostly because people start rumors and rumors lead to cutting.
I sigh and head up the stairs.
"Sierra! Come play football with us!" Brooklyn says, Cruz and Romeo following behind.
"Ugh. Fine." I say.
"Romeo and I against Sierra and Cruz." Brooklyn says. "Loser team gets thrown into the pool... Again." He smirks at me.
About an hour and a half later, everyone else is outside watching. The game is just about to end and it's tied, 2-2. I dribble the ball towards the net, Brooklyn taking it from me at the last second and making the goal.
"Are you serious?!" I shout.
He moves his hands as to say, "come here." So I walk over to him. He picks me up and throws me in as Romeo pushes Cruz in. Everyone else is cheering and laughing on the side. I get out.
"Now come hug me!" I yell as I start running towards Brooklyn with my arms outstretched.
He runs away but I end up catching him.
"Alright kids, time for bed." My mom says.
I look at my phone and it says 11:21.

Wow. Time goes by fast when you're having fun.


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