Chapter 28

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Sierra's POV:
I wake up the next morning, my head pounding from the loud music from last night. I see my door open slowly.
Oh shit.
I'm naked, Brooklyn's naked, this isn't good.
Sophia casually walks in.
"Morning Sier. Here's your cha-" she stops when she looks up, her mouth open wide.
"Soph, I can explain." I say, getting up and getting dressed while Brooklyn sleeps.
"Di-did you?" She stutters.
"Uh- yeah, but don't tell mom and dad. They don't have to know." I say, pulling my shirt over my head.
"Did you use protection??" She whispers loudly, her eyes wide.
Oh shit.
Shit shit shit.
"Um, we might've...?"
"Sierra, this is serious. If you didn't use protection we could have a baby running around here in nine months." She whispers once again.

"Kids! Get down here!" My mom yells.
We all sit down on the sofa and I grab for Brooklyn's hand. He smiles at me and we pay attention to my mom.
"We're moving to LA."
Everyone cheers.
"Just our family. The Beckham's will be down in 5 or 6 months to live with us." She says.
I look up at Brooklyn and he has a worried look on his face.
"I guess we have to break up." I whisper.
"I guess so." He adds, kissing my cheek.
Two months have passed and I've been sick everyday.
"Sierra." Sophia says as she shuts the door to my room.
She has a bag in her hand.
"I think you should take these." She says, handing me two pregnancy tests.
I stare at them nervously.
"I'm scared." I say and I hug her.
"You'll be okay." She says as I close the bathroom door.
I pee on the two sticks and open the door for her to wait with me.
It feels like we've been waiting forever when two lines pop up.
There's no doubt about it, I'm pregnant.
"What a nice birthday present." I mutter and burst into tears, Sophia comforting me.
"You have to tell Brooklyn. You have to tell him." Sophia says, trying to calm me.
"I don't wanna just text him and say 'hey we're having a kid and we're 16 years old'.
"Well if you wait until he comes, it might be worse." She says.
"Get mom up here." I say.
"Are you sure?" She asks.
I'm sat on my bed when my sister brings my mom in.
"Girls? What's going on? Is everything okay?" She panics, sitting by me on the bed and comforting me.
"Mom, please don't be mad." I whisper and burst out into tears again.
"Sweetie, just tell me." She says.
"I-I'm pregnant." I whisper.
She gets up and stands in front of me.
"Sierra, I'm very disappointed in you!" She yells.
I start crying even more.
"But I'll love you no matter what." She hugs me and starts to cry.
"W-who's the father?" She asks, wiping away a tear from my cheek.
"Brooklyn." I say.
"This isn't good for either of our families, Sierra." She says.
"I know, mom. I don't know how I'm going to tell him." I say.
"It's okay. It'll be okay. I'll tell your dad about it." She says, leaving the room.
"I can't believe it." I say as Sophia hugs me for what feels like the 50th time.

Someone better save me from society, because I'm going to need all the help I could get.

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