Chapter 17

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Sierra's POV:
So today I realized Brooklyn's having a party. Apparently, Victoria and David are totally okay with it, even thought they'll be gone at dinner with my parents. It's just a few of mine and his friends. Sam and Harper are going with the adults, Sophia, Romeo and Cruz all went to a friends house for a sleepover. Apparently Sophia thinks our parties are childish and stupid.
I sit on my room reading Teen Vogue when Brooklyn knocks on my door.
"Party starts at 7. Just so you know..." He says awkwardly.
We haven't talked at all since the kiss and that was Friday night. It's been exactly a week...
"Okay. I'll get ready." I mumble, not looking up from the article I'm reading.
I take a quick shower and put on a nice white shirt and black pants. I curl my blonde hair and put on some makeup. When I finally finish, it's 6:30.
"Bye kids! We're trusting you so behave!" My dad shouts as he leaves with the rest of the adults. The door closes behind them and Brooklyn and I are the only ones in the house. We both awkwardly look at each other and I walk down the stairs and I put out chips and dip.
"I'll order the pizza." Brooklyn says as he takes his phone from his pocket and dials the number.

About a half an hour later, Brooklyn's friends, Nick, Max, Carter and Kyle arrive.
My friends aren't here yet so it's WAY awkward.
10 minutes later the doorbell rings again and my closest friends stand at the door, Emma first, then Skylar, Rhiannon and Olivia.
"Ready to get this party started?!" Emma shouts as Brooklyn turns up the music.
After about an hour, everyone's sitting in the living room on their phones.
Suddenly, Carter speaks up.
"Hey, whatta ya say about a few rounds of spin the bottle?"
Everyone looks around at each other.
"I don't see why not." Skylar shrugs.
Brooklyn gets an empty wine bottle from the kitchen as Nick moves the coffee table that looks expensive...
VERY expensive.
"Okay. I'll go first." Rhiannon says, spinning the bottle.
It lands on Brooklyn.
Surprise surprise.
They both move to the center and their lips meet.
They seriously don't stop after 30 seconds.
"Get a room!" Emma shouts, throwing a pillow at them.
I can't help but to notice how hot my face feels.
"Sier are you okay?" Olivia asks me, worried.
I nod my head, not trusting my voice as my eyes fill with tears.
"Oh no. Come on." She says, dragging me away from the game.

Once we get far enough away, I just start crying, not caring if anyone hears me.
"Tell me what's wrong." She says, hugging me tight.
"I really like Brooklyn, but I already know he likes Rhiannon. Rhiannon's my best friend and she doesn't even seem to care." I whisper.
Suddenly, Max appears.
"Prey, what's wrong?" He asks.
"Nothing. I'm okay." I whisper, wiping tears from my cheeks.
We walk back to the party and Brooklyn looks worried.
"What's wrong." He mouths.
"I'll tell you later." I mouth back, looking down.
Let's just say, this party DID NOT go as planned...

The party ended right when our parents got home, so about 11.
It got pretty intense. Max and Emma had a pretty intense make out session... It was a dare, of course but I think Emma liked it.
I wake up at 9 the next morning to Brooklyn staring at me.
"What're you doing?" I ask, rolling over.
"Wondering why you were so upset last night." Brooklyn says.
"It's nothing. I just didn't feel good." I lie.
"Oh. Okay. Well what do ya say we start that YouTube channel of yours today?" Brooklyn smirks.
I totally forgot I promised him about that.
"Okay, okay. After I get pretty. And after you instagram and tweet about it." I reply, sitting up.
"Deal." He says, running to his room.


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