Chapter 30

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Sierra's POV:
You've probably already guessed that I'm in labor.
In the car it's me, Sophia, Victoria, my mom and Brooklyn.
Victoria just about had to drag Brooklyn into the car, he wasn't interested at all.
We finally pull up to the hospital, surrounded by paparazzi.
I was in too much pain to care. Victoria calls a nurse over and tells them what's going on.
I get into the wheelchair and I'm wheeled off the the hospital room where I'll be holding my baby in no time.
"Sweetie, you're only aloud two other people in the room." The nurse says as she puts the IV in my arm.
Sophia was there for me through most of my pregnancy so I tell her to stay.
I picked Brooklyn, too. He's the father of my daughter and he has to be there, even if he doesn't care.
"Wha- me?" Brooklyn says.
"You're the father, now get over here!" I yell.
"Brooklyn! Listen to her and stay!" Victoria shouts as her and my mother walk out of the room.
"Honey, you're going to push now." The doctor says.
"Brooklyn! Hold her hand." My sister yells at him as she takes my other hand.
I push as hard as I can and squeeze their hands.
Brooklyn looks down and his eyes grow wide.
I push one last time and hear cries of my baby girl as I start to tear up.
The baby gets placed on my stomach and I hold her to my chest tightly.
"Hi baby girl, I'm your mommy." I say as tears stream down my face.
"And I'm your auntie." My sister says as she reaches for her tiny hand.
The doctors take her to make sure everything is okay.
"Isn't she pretty, Brooklyn?" I ask, still holding his hand.
He shrugs.
"I guess. She kinda looks like you." He smiles a little bit and lets go of my hand.
They bring her back and ask for a name.
"I have an idea." Brooklyn speaks up.
"What?" I ask, obviously surprised.
"Caelynn." He suggests
"I like it." I smile.
"Caelynn Sophia." I tell the nurse.
"I'll leave you guys for a little bit." Sophia says, walking out of the room.
"Don't you wanna hold her?" I ask him.
"Uh, I guess." He says, holding out his arms.
I put her in his arms and he smiles, his eyes wide.
"Hi Caelynn." He smiles even more and looks up at me.
He gives her back and I see tears forming in his eyes.
"Brook, what's wrong?" I ask.
"I- I don't know. I'm not ready to be a dad. I'm too young. I'll always be there for her but I don't think we should get back together." He says quietly.
"I understand." I whisper as she opens her eyes.
"She has your eyes." He says.
"And your hair." I say, quietly.
Sophia comes back into the room and brings my mom and Victoria.
From what I can see, paparazzi is everywhere around my room.
"She's so cute." Victoria says, smiling.
A few days later, we're aloud to bring her home.
Brooklyn has taken interest in her and surprisingly loves taking care of her.
"Brooklyn, do you mind painting the nursery please?" I ask while taking laundry to my room.
"Sure. Color?" He walks down the stairs to get his coat.
"Um, I don't know. A girl color."
"Okay, I'll be back in a half hour." He says, heading out the door.
I decide to do a YouTube video with Caelynn.
"Hey everyone so I'd like to introduce you to Caelynn Sophia Grayson. Brooklyn actually picked her name and I picked her middle name after my sister, Sophia. She was born November 19th at 5:27 PM and weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. 20 inches. She has hazel eyes and her hair looks exactly like Brooklyn's. Pretty much her favorite thing to do is sleep and eat, so she's defiantly most like her father. I'll be doing a Q and A tomorrow so comment questions and I'll answer them. Maybe with Brooklyn, I don't know. Byee!" I say, covering the camera.
After the cameras off, I put Caelynn in her crib and watch her drift off to sleep.

Oh what an easy life she has.

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