Chapter 31

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Sierra's POV:
"Brooklyn, I'm not sure if this is such a good idea..." I watch as he puts 6 month old Caelynn in her stroller.
"It'll be fine. Besides, we need to lead her into a life as normal as possible."
This will be the very first time Caelynn has been out of the house since she was born.
Paparazzi can be a pain in the butt, but Brooklyn still wants to take her out.
I don't think Brooklyn and I will ever get back together. This baby has changed our lives, not for the better, not for the worst.
"Ready?" Brooklyn interrupts my thoughts.
"Yup." I say, quietly.
We start walking around, Brooklyn pushing the stroller.
"Did you finish the nursery?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Yeah. My dad just figured out how to put together the crib." He laughs a little bit but stops when he hears a few camera clicks.
"Shit. Paps." He says as we head into town.
"Just ignore them." I say.
We decide to go into Starbucks to get something to drink.
Paparazzi surrounds the door, throwing questions at Brooklyn and I.
"What's your baby's name?"
"How old is she now?"
"Is it true you and Brooklyn are no longer together?"
Brooklyn pushes past and we finally get inside, people staring at us.
We order, get our drinks and sit down.
"Brooklyn?" I ask.
"Do you think... Nevermind." I don't want to bring this up now.
"What is it?" He asks, concerned.
"Do you think there can still be a future for us?" I ask, ready to flinch from his words.
"I honestly don't know, Sierra. We had a baby. At 16 years old. I love her and I will be there for her no matter what, same to you. But I have no idea what the future holds for us." He finishes, looking kind of upset.
"Brooklyn, I love you more then I have ever loved anyone. This is our little family now, whether you like it or not. Either we stay together and you can see Caelynn whenever you want, or when I move out when I'm eighteen, I take her with me and you can only see her on the weekends." I sigh.
"I understand." He says quietly.
I can tell Brooklyn wants to stay with us and be a family, but I know there's something keeping him from doing so.
"Brooklyn I want the truth, and nothing but the truth, right here, right now. So tell me, what the hell is going on with you?!" I ask as I raise my voice a little louder.
"You want the truth?! Well it's going to hurt like hell for us both when I tell you!" He shouts, the whole cafe looking at us now.
"Tell me. Now, Brooklyn." I calm my voice.
"The truth is, there's another girl. Okay? You and I have been done for awhile and this girl doesn't even know I have a fucking kid, Sierra. She doesn't know and I want it to keep it that way."
He looks from me to Caelynn and back again as my eyes start to tear up.
"I hope your happy. I didn't ask for a baby and so far, I love her far more then I've ever loved you." I say as I walk out of the coffee shop, trying not to cry.

I get home and look at the nursery. Brooklyn and David did an absolutely amazing job with it.
I pick up Caelynn.
"Sweetie, I don't know if you'll ever have a father figure, but I'll always try my hardest at being the best mother ever." I kiss her head and she smiles up at me, her hazel eyes twinkling as I put her in her into her crib and watch her eyes shut slowly.
I head downstairs and see Sophia watching TV with Cruz.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks as I sit down next to Cruz.
"Where do I even start?" I mumble as Cruz hugs me.
"Let's go upstairs so you can tell me all about it." She says. "I'll be right back, Cruzie." She adds.
"Brooklyn told me there's another girl involved and I'm freaking out." I say as I plop down onto her bed.
"Wow. Don't let that girl go near Caelynn." She says.
"I know. I don't know who she is, but she better not go near my daughter." I roll my eyes and decide to call Emma.
"Hey, Emm-"
"Sierra! I'm soooo glad you called! How's the baby? How's Brooklyn?" She interrupts me.
I haven't talked to her much since giving birth to Caelynn. She's back in London and I'm here in LA.
"The baby's doing great! Brooklyn... Not so much." I say as I close the door to my room.
"Sweetie, tell me all about it." She says in a calming voice.
I tell her everything about the mystery girl.
"Wow. I'm sure everything'll be okay. I'll try to come see you guys as soon as school lets out which is in another month or so. Love you, Sier!"
"Love you too, Em. Bye." I say as I hang up with my best friend.

It's now my mission to find out who this 'mystery' girl is Brooklyn likes so much.

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