Chapter 13

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Sierra's POV:
It's the first day of school.
Yippie. Note the sarcasm.
I roll out of bed and head to my closet. I put on my uniform and throw my hair into a ponytail.
I walk down the stairs and grab an apple.
"Oh you kids just look adorable!" Victoria says to all five of us.
"Let's get a picture of all of you!" My mom adds.
All of us groan as we walk to the front door.
I throw my arm around Brooklyn's shoulder and Sophia's shoulder and smile.
I look at the picture my mom also took on my phone and decide to post it on Instagram.
"First day of school with these losers." I put as the caption and tag Brooklyn, my sister and Romeo.
@sophgreyson: EW delete it.
@sierragreysonxo: @sophgreyson nah man.
I get tons of likes and comments from my 200k followers.
We all get in the car and go to school.

Sophia gets her schedule and goes to her classes right away as me and Brooklyn wait to get ours.
"I'm so nervous." I say, looking up at him.
"Don't be. You'll be fine." He says as we get our schedule.
"Well, we have lunch together." He says, trying to sound happy.
I wanted to be in Brooklyn's classes. He's the only one I know.
We head out in the hall and I notice girls staring at me and giving me dirty looks, others smiling at me.
I can already tell this is going to be a very interesting day.
I head to my first class which is math. I hate math so much.
The teacher tells us to sit anywhere, so I sit by myself when all of a sudden a girl sits next to me.
"Hi, my name's Emma. You must be new here. What's your name?" She asks politely in a very strong British accent.
"I'm Sierra. I'm not from around here." I say.
"OH MY GOSH. YOU'RE AMERICAN." She squeals. Really loud, too.
A bunch of people start huddling around me, asking questions left and right when the teacher tells everyone to calm down and take their seats.

The bell rings for lunch and I grab a plate of spaghetti.
"Ew look. It's the whore staying with the Beckham's. I wonder if she's slept with Brooklyn yet." I hear a girl tell her friend.
I turn around to see who it is and she's really pretty.
"Just ignore them." Emma says.
"No." I say as I walk towards the girls talking about me.
"Excuse me." I say and gulp when they look at me. "But if you wanna say something about me, say it. Right here, right now." I say.
I can just feel my legs shaking and see Brooklyn and Emma out of the corner of my eye, looking worried.
"Okay, you're a pathetic, dirty little slut that doesn't deserve Brooklyn. Sweetie, he just pretends to be your friend." She smirks, flipping her hair.
I feel my face get red.
"Oh and honey? You have a little something on your shirt." She points at my shirt then flips my tray, spaghetti splattering all over my shirt.
I hear everyone start to laugh and I feel tears spring up in my eyes.
I run out of the cafeteria and outside of the school. I check my phone and it's only 12:00, meaning just David, Harper and Sam are home. It's not that far to go.
I run as fast as I can, sobbing my eyes out when I hear my name being called.
And it's Brooklyn.
"Sierra! Sierra stop!" He screams.
I ignore him and keep running, knowing he'll probably catch up to me in no time.
I reach the gates to the house and barge into the front door.
"Sierra! What happened?" David asks, standing up from the couch.
I don't answer and run up to my room, slamming the door behind me. I sit down on my bed and cry my eyes out, pondering on what to do.
Then I know exactly what to do.
I go to my bathroom and take out my blade.

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