Chapter 23

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Sierra's POV:
Today was the day of the big fashion show.
I put on the pretty dress I picked out, curl my blonde hair, apply my makeup and put on my sparkly heals.
My sister and I walk out of the hotel and see the two cars waiting, once again.
"Well don't you look cute in your little dress?" I say, pinching Harper's cheeks.
"Ahem." Brooklyn clears his throat.
"You look adorable as well." I say laughing.
"And you look gorgeous." He says, blushing.
"After you." He adds, holding Harper.
I get in the car.
"You're so cheesy." I roll my eyes.
We get to the event and take our seats. The arrangement goes like this:
David with Harper, Cruz, Romeo, Brooklyn, me, Sophia and my step dad with Sam.
"Please welcome the V and E summer of 2015 line." A man announces.
Everyone in the audience claps as models walk down the runway in the amazing outfits our mothers designed.

A few hours, the show ends.
"That was so good!" I say, running up to Victoria and my mom.
"Well, let's go out to dinner so we can discuss some more great news we have!" Victoria says excitedly as my mom nods.
"Brooklyn, stop!" I shout at him, annoyed.
He keeps poking my sides with his fingers and it hurts.
"Hey guess what today is." He says, smirking.
"And that means video day." Brooklyn sing-songs.
Oh yeah. I forgot. Friday's and Monday's are video days, so we have to film them either early in the morning or the day before.
We get to a restaurant and I sit by Sophia and Brooklyn.
"Okay, so for our next line, we're thinking about having Sierra model for the magazine we've been working on." My mom announces and everyone claps.
I practically choke on my water.
"PLEASE don't make me stand there, looking like I'm not having fun." I groan and Brooklyn laughs.
"No, this one'll be fun." My mom rolls her eyes.
"Also, we're going to LA for Sierra, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz and if Sophia wants to g-" Victoria doesn't even finish.
"Um, of COURSE." She says.
"To the kids choice awards..." She finishes, laughing.
"This is gonna be so fun!" I squeal.
"There's a catch." David starts.
Great. Catches are NEVER good.
"Victoria and Eva have to go back to London to start working on the next line. George (my step-dad) also has to go back to work. I'll only be in LA for two days so you'll have to fly home by yourselves. The bodyguards'll keep an eye on you, also and you'll be fine." David explains.
"Really? Your trusting us with a day by ourselves?" Brooklyn asks, shocked.
"We'll give you a credit card to use and you'll be fine. It's just one day." My dad speaks up.
Yeah. Just one day. A lot can happen in one day.

We get back to the hotel room at 8:30 and Brooklyn and I go into his room and get out the camera.
"Hey guys! It's Sierra and..." I gesture to Brooklyn.
"Brooklyn." He says, dull-ly.
"Act enthusiastic. You've been bugging me about this video all day." I roll my eyes.
I see his face get red.
"We're going to be talking about how we met." Brooklyn says, looking over at me.
"Okay, so, I'm going to admit it. Right here, right now. I was a HUGE Beckham fan." I say, laughing.
"You better still be." Brooklyn says squinting at me.
"Okay so our moms are basically friends and I never knew so I freaked out when she told me." I say.
"And we met at my mum's fashion show." Brooklyn adds.
"Mum." I imitate his accent.
"Shut up." He says, tazing my sides once again.
"That's kind of all for today guys! Hope you enjoyed and come back on Monday where we'll be answering questions." I say.
"Ok bye it's late LOVE YOU." Brooklyn says and then shuts off the camera.
"I'm tired so I'm going to my room." I say.
"Or you can stay here." Brooklyn suggests.
Also sounds just like my dream.
"Brooklyn. Our parents might think something of it."
"What're they gonna think? Best friends having a sleepover?" He says.
"Good point. I'll go change into my pajamas."
I come back and Brooklyn's already in bed so I scoot next to him.
Sierra, tell him now. It's the perfect time.
"Uh, nevermind."
I'll just wait until LA.

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