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Sierra's POV:
"Stop complaining. I'm sure you'll be fine." I say to Caelynn as she grabs her backpack.
Today's her first day of high school.
"Any guy comes near you and I'll beat his ass." Brooklyn says, grabbing the car keys as Caelynn rolls her eyes.
We moved to London this year after I started modeling instead of acting. We thought it was best for the kids, now that I'm pregnant again.
"Kids get to the front door! I want a picture of all of you on your first day." I say, holding my belly.
"Mum!" The four of them groan.
That's right, four soon to be five.
Caelynn turns fifteen in November, David turns ten in January, Oliver turns six in May and Morgynn turns four in March.
"Cheese." They mumble, smiling.
"Morgynn are you ready for daycare?" I ask, holding her hand and walking her to the car.
"Mumma no." Is all she says.
"Yes, baby. You'll have fun." I put her in her car seat and brush her brown hair out of her face.
The genes in this family are quite weird, actually.
Caelynn has my bleach blonde hair and hazel eyes but looks a lot like Brooklyn.
David used to have blonde hair but turned light brown with my hazel eyes.
Oliver is ALL Brooklyn features.
Morgynn has Brooklyn's hair and eyes but her face looks a lot like mine.
I'd say we made some cute kids.
"Bye kids! Have fun!" I say, waving.
"Mum, don't say school and fun in the same sentence. Ever." Caelynn rolls her eyes, climbing into the front seat.
"Hey, don't give your mum attitude." Brooklyn says getting into the car as well.

About an hour later, Brooklyn arrives back home and kisses me.
We've been married for eight years now, ever since Caelynn was six.
"I'm exhausted." He sits down next to me.
"You haven't carried a baby around for eight months." I smirk.
He's mad because I still haven't told him the gender, even though I know.
"Can't you tell me? Please?" He begs.
"Fine." I say.
"We're having another boy." I smile.
"YES!" He jumps up.
Brooklyn and I already had names picked out.
Dayana if it was a girl and Jace if it was a boy.
"Our little Jace'll be here in no time." He kisses me and smiles, rubbing my belly.
"I'm so glad we ended up together." I say, looking into his deep brown eyes.

Brooklyn and I defiantly had our ups and downs, but we managed to make it work. I can't believe a fan like me ended up creating a gorgeous family with the one and only Brooklyn Beckham.

A/N: I REALLY hope you guys liked this story as much as I loved writing it! I don't know when I'll have details to my next story up because I can't have electronics until I get my F up to a C. Oops. My bad. But I'll get it up as soon as possible! I really love writing for you guys!

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