Chapter 29

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Sierra's POV:
I'm seven months pregnant now.
The Beckham's are coming home today and I've never been so nervous in my life.
I throw on a humongous hoodie when the doorbell rings and you could hardly tell I was pregnant.
"Sierra!" Brooklyn says as he goes to hug me.
I hold him tight and breathe in his scent, knowing this could quite possibly be the last time I hold him like this.
"Brooklyn, we need to talk. Now." I say, tears filling my eyes.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks as I pull him to my new-ish room.
"Um- you know that night that we..." I move my hands around and he gets what I'm saying.
"Yeah.. Why?"
"We didn't use protection." I sigh.
"What're you saying...?" He asks, alarmed as he sits down.
"I-I'm seven months pregnant." I whisper, looking down as my tears fall into my hands.
"Are you kidding me?! Sierra, I don't want to be a father at sixteen years old! The media is going to eat this up! I can't believe I did something so stupid!" He yells at me and I cry even more.
"Broo-" I start.
"No, Sierra! We're done!" He yells even more and I stand up.
"So you're just going to blame this all on me?!" I scream in his face.
"Sierra, I don't want a baby at sixteen! I don't want anything to do with you, or the baby. I'm done." He says, slamming the door to my room.
I sink down in front of my bed, crying my eyes out and Sophia runs in.
"Sweetie, it's okay. I heard the whole thing." She rocks me on the floor.
Sometimes I think Sophia's there for me more then my own mother.

I lay on my bed and cuddle Sam, who's asleep, next to me.
"How I wish to be this innocent again." I whisper and kiss his cheek, carrying him to his room where I see Brooklyn putting Harper in her crib.
I can't help but to feel tears coming again.
"D-do you know the gender?" He quietly asks.
"I was going to go tomorrow." I say, sniffling.
"Oh, well let me know when you find out." He says, walking out the door.
I tell Sophia what happens.
"Wow. He doesn't even wanna go?! He's the father. Who does he think he is? I'm teaching him a lesson..." She says but I stop her.
"Soph, I hope that when he sees the baby he comes through." I say, rubbing my belly.
The next morning I wake up and go to Brooklyn's room.
"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" I ask.
"Pretty sure."
"I mean, it IS your son or daughter..."
"I told you, Sierra. I don't care." He brushes past me.
"Sierra, Sophia! You coming?" My mom asks as she honks the horn.
This is the first time in months I've been out of the house.
We get to the doctor's office and soon enough, it's my turn.
"Sierra Grayson?" My name gets called and I head back, ignoring the whispering and stares.
"The gel's a little cold." She says as she rubs it on my belly.
"Congratulations! It's a baby girl." She smiles and wipes the gel off.
"Thanks, doctor." I say as we walk out of the door and back into the car.
Questions from the paparazzi include:
"Which ones pregnant?"
"Sierra, is it true your pregnant?"
"Is Brooklyn the father?"
I wanted to cry right then and there.
We get home and Brooklyn's watching a movie with Romeo and Cruz.
"Here's the very first picture of your daughter." I mutter, throwing it at him.
"Daughter?" He asks, looking at me.
"Yeah, thought you didn't care."
"I don't." He says, looking at the picture

"Hey Victoria." I smile when I walk into the kitchen.
"Hello, love. How's Brooklyn taking it?" She asks, looking up.
"Not so good. He says he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby." I say, pouring myself a glass of apple juice.
"He'll come around when he sees the baby. Boy or girl?" She smiles.
"Congratulations!" She smiles, going back to work.
I decide to make a YouTube video.
"Hey guys. It's Sierra. You've probably heard rumor after rumor about why I haven't been out places, why I haven't posted on social media, so on and so on. I'm here to tell you the truth and you've probably noticed that I'm in a new house and that Brooklyn isn't beside me. You've probably also noticed that I've gained weight. The reason is because I'm pregnant. I found out about a month after the last time I saw Brooklyn. I told him yesterday and he didn't take it so well. Sorry for such a short video but I just wanted to tell the truth. Bye guys." I cover the camera and upload it on YouTube.
I post a blank picture on Instagram:
"Look at my latest video. It'll explain a lot." I tell my 600k followers.
I do the same on Twitter.
"I'm so sorry, Sierra. Praying for you and Brooklyn."
"Wow, your kid'll have Beckham genes! So lucky."
I read that comment and smile a little bit.

I just wish Brooklyn cared.

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