Chapter 24

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Brooklyn's POV:
I wake up the next morning to my mother yelling at me.
"Brooklyn Joseph Beckham! Why is Sierra in YOUR bed with YOU." My mum shouts.
"We were filming the YouTube video late Mum. I'm sorry." I say, getting up.
"Don't let it happen again unless you ask first... This is actually really cute." My mum squeals as she walks out of the room.
Today was the day we were leaving for LA.
A Monday at 5 in the morning is not a good idea for any of us.
After I get changed and showered, I head out to the front of the hotel where two cars are waiting for us.
"Hello, sleepyhead." Sierra says, ruffling my hair.
"Watch it." I say, smirking.
"Aw. Does Brookie not want his hair to get messed up?" She asks sticking out her bottom lip.
Man how I want to kiss her right now.
Too bad I can't because of paparazzi, plus our parents are right here.
We finally get to the airport and my mum's carrying Harper while Sierra struggles with Sam, her little brother.
"I hate paparazzi." She says when we finally get inside our gate.
"I know. I realize it's their 'job' but they don't have to be so rude about it." I mutter, adjusting my backpack.
I'm gonna tell her at the Kids Choice Awards.
I'm gonna tell her.

Sierra's POV:
I HAVE to tell Brooklyn soon, this is killing me.
I sit on the plane with Sam in the middle and Sophia in the aisle seat.
Soon enough, he starts crying.
"shhh, it's okay." I pick him up and comfort him.
Before I know it, he falls asleep in my arms and I fall asleep shortly after.
"Wakey wakey." Brooklyn says, pinching my cheek.
I slap his hand off.
"Ow." He says.
"Baby." I say, sticking out my tongue.
I hand Sam to my mom and leave the plane.
"You should check out the picture I posted on Instagram." He says smiling.
"Brooklyn I look TERRIBLE." I groan.
He posted a picture of me and Sam sleeping, the caption saying:
I smack his arm and read the comments.
"Are you guys dating yet?"
"Date already."
"You'd have the CUTEST babies."
I show Brooklyn the screen.
"Wow." He laughs, scratching the back of his neck

We get to the hotel and unpack.
"Have you told him yet?" Sophia asks, putting her makeup bag on the counter.
"Nope." I say, popping the p.
"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? He obviously likes you. Do you want me to talk to him?" She asks, rolling her eyes.
"I don't know what to do. What if we break up and our friendship's ruined?" I ask.
Her mouth drops open.
"You're thinking about that? I see the way he looks at you, Sierra. There's no doubt in my mind that he adores you." She says laughing.
I think for a few minutes.
"I guess your right. Now I need to edit this video before I go to bed." I say to Sophia.
I finish editing the video and look at the clock.
It's 10:00 at night and I hear a knock on the hotel door and look through the peephole.
It's Brooklyn.
"Let's go out into the city." He whispers, pulling my wrist.
"Hold on." I sigh.
"Soph, can I go out with Brooklyn? Please cover us if you see mom or dad." I beg.
"Okay, fine." She smirks, looking up from her phone.
"Where are we going, Brooklyn?" I laugh as he pulls my wrist.
"You'll see." He says as we run down the hallway.

"Brooklyn check the time." I whisper.
We've been wandering about the streets of LA for about 2 and a half hours.
"12:45." He replies.
"We need to go." I whisper.
"Stop whispering, it's okay." He laughs.
"Brook, there's such a thing called paparazzi and they'll find out, put it everywhere, our parents will find out and we'll get in huge trouble." I say, lowly.
He sighs. "Come on, let's just go."
We slowly walk back to the hotel

I'll post a second chapter tonight, too! Btw, her outfit is ALWAYS gonna be on the side from now on (:

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