Chapter 33

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Sierra's POV:
Caelynn's taught me a lot of things since she's been here on earth. She's taught me how much people can change, how mean people can be, and how short life is when you really think about it. She's taught me how to love unconditionally. I'm saying all of this because today's her first birthday.
She no longer has brown hair, she has bleach blonde hair, just like me. Her hazel eyes are still the same, but she has the exact same facial features as Brooklyn. Her hair is just long enough to put in a tiny ponytail at the top of her head. I end up just putting a pink headband in her hair to match the outfit I'm going to put her in.
"Brooklyn! Can you get the cakes from the store?!" I shout across the house.
"Yeah! Need anything else? I don't think anyone else is going out today!"
"No, I'm fine!" I yell, putting Caelynn in the tutu and onesie my mom picked out for her.
She babbles here and there, but hasn't said any real words yet.
"Don't you look cute today!" I stand her up on the changing table and she smiles big at me, a few teeth poking through her gums.
I pick her up and head downstairs where everyone else is.
"Morning everyone!" I say, cheerfully.
"Happy Birthday Caelynn!" Everyone yells.
"Aw let me see my granddaughter." Victoria says, scooping her up from my arms.
"Where's Brooklyn?" David asks.
"He went to get the cakes and some stuff for her little party." I say, pouring myself some juice.

About an hour later, Brooklyn comes back with a cake for us and a little cake for Caelynn and A TON of balloons. A few minutes later, Sophia shows up with bags of presents.
"Hey Soph!" I hug her.
"Hey! I know today's Caelynn's birthday, but I have some REALLY exciting news!" She squeals.
Sophia moved back to New York a few months ago with her boyfriend, Shawn. Sophia now has a really successful modeling career going for her.
"Let's hear it!" My mom says.
"Okay, Shawn and I are getting married!" She shouts, showing everyone her ring.
"I'm so happy for you!" I hug her.
"Okay, now that everyone's here, can we please eat? I'm starving." Cruz groans.
Everyone laughs.
"Yes, Cruz. Right after we sing Happy Birthday to Caelynn." I say.
Brooklyn puts Caelynn in her high chair and put her cake in front of her and light one candle.
"...Happy birthday dear Caelynn, happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheers.
She grabs a fist full of cake and it goes all over her face.
Before we know it, everyone's in bed and it's just Brooklyn and I awake.
"Brooklyn, I really think we need to talk." I say as I wipe off Caelynn's high chair.
"About...?" He asks.
"Everything that's happened to us. We've gone from best friends, to boyfriend and girlfriend, whatever this is now." I throw the sponge in the sink, getting worked up.
"Sierra, I don't know what this is either. I don't kno-"
"Brooklyn I know about Chloe." I interrupt him.
"Wha- Sier, that was months ago." He says.
"I- I know but I don't think you should punish her for something that was my fault." I say, my eyes filling with tears.
I look down so he can't see I'm about to cry.
"It takes two people to make a baby, Sierra. It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I'm sorry I'm such a terrible dad and I'm sorry I'm such an asshole." He tells me, sounding choked up.
By now, he's right next to me and I look up at him.
"You're an amazing father for how old we both are." I whisper.
"And you're an amazing mother."
"But Brooklyn, even if you've already unloved me, please just know- I'll never stop loving you. After all, you saved me." I feel a tear slide down my cheek and turn away.
I feel Brooklyn embrace me.

He hasn't come close to me like this since we dated, almost two years ago.

Brooklyn's POV:
"I'm sorry, Sierra." I whisper as she walks away.
After I make sure she's all the way upstairs, I sink down in front of the island in the kitchen.
"But I still love you too and I'll never get over you. When I look at Caelynn, you're all I see. I just wish I could tell you." I say to myself as I rest my head in my hands, frustrated.

I want a life with her.

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