Chapter 32

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Sierra's POV:
The next day, I change Caelynn into her clothes and hear Brooklyn on the phone in his room.
I decide to listen in on his conversation to see if he's talking to the girl.
"I just don't know if we can do this anymore... Listen, meet me at the park and I'll tell you all about this. Okay, love you."
I cringe when he says "love you." He's only ever said that to me.
"Hey Brooklyn." I say, holding Caelynn on my hip.
"Aw there's my cute little girl." He says as I hand Caelynn to him.
"I'm gonna take her to the park. Wanna come?" I ask, innocently.
"Uh- I'm actually going to meet a friend somewhere today. Maybe another time." He says, giving Caelynn back to me.
"Okay." I smile cheerfully.
The plan is working so far.
It's been about five minutes since I heard Brooklyn leave so I decide to put the baby into her stroller and head to the park.
Paparazzi was absolutely TERRIBLE. A LOT worse then usual when I get to the park.
Then I see them together.

Brooklyn and Chloe Grace Moretz. I see Brooklyn talking to her, nervously. She looks kind of angry.
Oh no. Did he tell her he has a baby with me?

Brooklyn's POV:
"You what?!" Chloe yells at me.
"Uh, yeah. The baby Sierra Grayson had... Is also mine." I say.
"Brooklyn, you can't just leave the girl that had YOUR baby! Are you stupid?" She shouts.
"I don't want to get back together with her." I try to explain.
"Don't you wanna be in that baby's life?" She asks, obviously confused.
"Yeah bu-"
"Brooklyn, I don't want anything to do with you until you figure this out." She says as she gets up from the bench and walks away, leaving me alone in a park full of paparazzi and screaming kids.
I decide to just go home and think for awhile.
My thoughts are soon interrupted by none other then the cries of MY baby.
"Ughhh. I've got her!" I shout throughout the house.
I go into her nursery and pick her up.
"Hi sweetie, daddy's here." I sit on the chair and rock her.
She looks up at me, her eyes reminding me so much of her mother's.
"I don't know what to do. I want to be your dad forever. I want to be with you forever but I want to be with different people." I kiss her head as she falls asleep in my arms.

Sierra's POV:
I'm bored, so I decide to make a Q and A video.
"Brooklyn! Can you bring Caelynn to my room?!" I shout.
"Coming!" He yells back.
He plops her into my arms.
"Wanna do a Q and A? For the sake of our fans?" I beg, batting my eyelashes and sticking out my bottom lip.
"Fine." He says, sitting on the floor next to me.
I turn on the camera and hand Caelynn to Brooklyn.
"Hey guys! I have basically the whole family here! We have me and Brooklyn and Caelynn and we're gonna do a questions and answers video!" I say as Brooklyn waves.
"Okay, first question." Brooklyn says, making faces at Caelynn as she giggles.
"Will you and Brooklyn ever get back together?" I read.
"Um, we don't actually know." Brooklyn says.
"Next question." I change the subject.
"Who does Caelynn look more like? Brooklyn or Sierra?" Brooklyn reads out loud.
"I honestly think she looks more like Brooklyn." I laugh as he holds her up to his face and kisses her cheek.
"But she has your eyes." He says.
"True, but the rest of her looks like you." I add.
"When will you start acting?" I read.
"Well, I'm thinking about trying out for this main role in this one movie later this week so wish me luck!" I say excitedly.
"Bye guys! That's all for today, make sure you comment rate and subscribe! Thanks for watching!" I say as Brooklyn covers the camera with his hand.
"Well that was pretty fun." Brooklyn laughs, handing Caelynn back to me.

It would've been even more fun if we were just one big happy family, I think to myself.

A/N: guys should I do a 3 year time skip?? I need to know like now cuz I have an idea if it goes both ways. I will do a small time skip soon though if no one wants me to do the 3 year time skip. So comment what you think!

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