Chapter 35

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Sierra's POV:
Caelynn and I went our separate ways. I still live in California, just a few hours from LA. My acting career has really taken a turn for the best. Brooklyn takes Caelynn on the weekends, but for me, that's not enough time for him to see her. I want him around ALL the time. Caelynn turned four and I'll be twenty-one in a few days.
"Caelynn, don't forget your backpack." I say, putting her toddler-sized backpack on her back.
She has a cute little British accent she picked up from being with the Beckham's.
"Daddy'll be here soon." I tell her, putting her blonde hair into pig tails.
"Okay mumma." She says, heading down the stairs.
I go into my room, shut the door and start to cry.
I've never stopped loving Brooklyn.

Brooklyn's POV:
I drive two hours from LA every Friday night, just to pick up my baby girl for the weekend. Tonight I'm planning on telling Sierra exactly how I feel. I want us to be together forever so this isn't so complicated.
I've never stopped loving her.
I pull up to the house and get out. I walk right in and I see my little girl running to me.
"Daddy!!" She yells, running towards me. I crouch down and pick her up.
"How's my beautiful princess been?!" I ask, attacking her in kisses as she giggles.
"Good! But mumma isn't." She frowns as I put her down.
"What's wrong with mummy?" I ask, alarmed.
"She's sad." Caelynn says, her twinkling hazel eyes staring up at me.
"Where is she?" I ask.
She answers by pointing up the stairs.
"Go play. I'll be right back." I tell her, walking up the stairs.
"Sier, it's Brooklyn. Can I come in?" I ask through the door.
No answer.
I decide to just walk in, something could be really wrong for all I know.

Sierra's POV:
Brooklyn walks into my room and sees me crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks.
"Brooklyn." I whisper, looking down.
"What?" He asks, sitting beside me.
"I haven't stopped loving you and I never will. I don't care if you don't love me I just want you to know how much I still ca-" I'm interrupted.
I'm interrupted by Brooklyn passionately kissing me.
We move our lips in sync and see a little shadow in the doorway and giggles of Caelynn.
"Daddy are you moving here?" She asks, jumping up onto him.
"I- I don't know." He laughs.
"I miss both of you so much. I love both of you more then anything in this whole world." He says, holding Caelynn tight.
"I love you Brooklyn." I say.
"I love you too, Sierra." He kisses my head and smiles his familiar smile.
"Why don't we all go out to dinner?" He suggests, looking at Caelynn.
"Yay!" She squeals.
We get into the car and tell the driver where we're going to dinner.
We get dropped off and people stare, as usual, as we walk into the restaurant.
All three of us eat and Brooklyn ends up paying for us.
"Aw thanks Brook. You didn't have to." I smile, wiping Caelynn's hands.
Brooklyn and I walk out of the restaurant, both of us holding Caelynn's hands so she's in the middle.
"Mummy and daddy are going to swing you. Ready?" Brooklyn asks her.
"Weee!" She giggles but paparazzi swarms us soon after so Brooklyn picks her up.
"I'm scared." She hides her face in Brooklyn's shoulder and he holds her tight.

After tucking Caelynn in, Brooklyn comes down the stairs and plops down on the couch next to me.
"I don't want to lose you ever again." He whispers into my ear.
"Then don't leave me if I get pregnant again." I smirk, holding his hand.
"We were stupid and sixteen." He laughs. "I won't leave if we have another kid and if we do, you can tell paparazzi how much of an asshole I am." He adds.
I know he's being serious because he HATES paparazzi more then anything.
"Deal." I whisper in his face.
I can tell he can't take anymore because he's being fidgety.
"Come here." He says, pulling me on top of him and kissing me roughly.
"I missed this." I smirk, pulling off his shirt and tracing his abs slowly.
He lets out a shaky breath as he pulls my shirt off.

I've never loved anyone as much as I love him.
And I never thought I'd have such a crazy life with Brooklyn Joseph Beckham.

A/N: Get ready for an amazing epilogue plus an announcement for my new book!

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