Chapter 6

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Brooklyn's POV:
I grabbed her hand. I didn't mean to, it kinda just happened. She's really cute, but so is her sister. We sit there in awkward silence when she starts to fall asleep.
"If you get tired, you can lay on me. It's okay." I say
"Okay." She mumbles, resting her head on my shoulder.
I awkwardly put my hand around her waist. This is NOT comfortable, but I guess it's okay for now. I mean hey, I'm sleeping with a girl.

Sierra's POV:
Brooklyn tells me I can put my head on him so I do. He smells so good but it's kind of awkward. Then, he puts his arm around my waist. I slowly drift off to sleep.

The next morning, Brooklyn and I wake up to giggling and camera clicks. We shoot up, clunking our heads together.
"Ow." We say at the same time and laugh.
Cruz has Brooklyn's phone... Everyone is standing in the theater room... WATCHING us...
"Cruz! Brooklyn shouts, grabbing his phone from his small brother's hand.
Everyone starts laughing again.
Cruz posted the picture of us sleeping on Brooklyn's instagram with the caption saying: "New Posh and Becks 😂 -Cruz"
My name was tagged on the picture so I check my phone. The picture's only been up for 10 minutes and I have notification after notification. 3,042 new followers, 8,342 new likes, 1132 comments and a BUNCH of tagged pictures of me. Brooklyn deletes the picture and I go upstairs to get dressed.
"Sierra! Can you take Samuel out for a walk?" My mom asks.
"Brooklyn! Take Harper too." Victoria adds.
Great. Even more awkwardness.

Sorry it's so short! I'll post more after school!

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