Chapter 21

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Sierra's POV:
"Brooklyn! Get my laundry." I shout downstairs to him.
It's Tuesday night and we leave at like 5 the next morning.
"Geez! Quit PMS-ing at me. I'm just a 16 year old boy." He says, bringing up the laundry basket.
"Aw thanks. You're so sweet." I say.
Bossy one moment, emotional the next.
Brooklyn rolls is eyes and closes the door to his room behind him.
I finish up packing and slip into bed.
Before I go to sleep, I check my social media and tweet.
SierraGrayson: Kickin' it back in NY tomorrow with the faves💕
I sigh and put my phone on my nightstand and slowly fall asleep.

I look at my phone when I hear my alarm go off.
4:30 AM. Ughhh.
Brooklyn told me to wake him up when my alarm goes off so I head into his room.
I pull the covers off of him but realize it was probably a bad idea so I stop at his waist.
"Smart choice." Brooklyn mumbles into his pillow, pulling up the covers a little past his belly button.
"I suggest you get up before I sit on you." I say, crossing my arms.
"Do it." He mumbles again.
Dear Lord his morning voice is the sexiest thing ever.
"On second thought, I'll just get up myself." He shoots up, remembering the incident the other day.
"Good boy." I say as I pat his head and walk back to my room.
"Everyone better be up!!" My dad shouts upstairs.
"We're up!" I call back.
I grab my 3 bags and we head out the door. We need three vans because 6 people can fit in each.
In the first one, it's me, Brooklyn, Sophia, Sam, Harper and Victoria and in the other one is the rest of everyone else.
We head off to the airport and when we get out, paparazzi is everywhere.
I'm holding Sam and Brooklyn's holding Harper, so it just makes things even worse.

We finally get on the plane. It's me, Brooklyn and Cruz all in the same row.
"Im exhausted." I say, yawning and putting my head on Brooklyn's shoulder.
"Same here." Brooklyn says, putting his head on mine.
"Night." I say, laughing.
A few hours later, we arrive in New York.
Great. Even MORE paparazzi. Believe it or not, American paparazzi is A LOT ruder then paparazzi in London.
We walk outside to the two cars waiting for us. I really missed New York. It's where I grew up.
"Sierra, is it true you and Brooklyn are dating?" Someone asks.
I keep my head down and let my hair slip over my face so they won't see me smiling or blushing.
We plop into the car and drive off to the hotel we're staying at.
I get to the room I'm sharing with my sister and unpack my stuff, hanging my dress in the bathroom because tomorrow's the fashion show.
Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.
"Girls, change into something nice. We're going out to dinner!" My mom shouts through the door.
I sigh and decide on a light green skirt with a black belt and black top. I put on my heals and sit on my bed.
"So what's the scoop on you and Brooklyn?" My sister asks, curling her blonde hair.
"I don't know. He might like me but I really like him and don't know what to do." I sigh.
She sighs and walks towards her bag.
"Let me help." She says, throwing one of her bras at me
I pick it up and examine it.
"And how's this different from any of my bras..?"
"It's a push up. Just put it on." She rolls her eyes and laughs.
I put it on.
Wow. There's a big difference.
"Thanks, Soph." I say laughing as I grab my clutch and we walk out the door.

As soon as we leave the hotel, the Beckham's are waiting for us.
"Y-you look. Amazing." Brooklyn gulps.
"Aw thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I say, winking as I get in the van.
I see him blush and he mouths something to David.
I'd say it's working.


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