Chapter 14

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Sierra's POV:
I can't do it. No matter how hard I try, I can't force myself to bring the blade to my wrist and just scrape it across.
I hear someone open the door to my room and at this point, I'm sitting up against the wall in my bathroom, mascara covering my cheeks.
Brooklyn barges into the bathroom and sees me. His eyes grow wide and he grabs the blade, throwing it on the counter. He sits down next to me and pulls me closer to him.
Brooklyn and I are sitting on the bathroom floor, me crying into his shirt as he tries to calm me down.
"Shh. Shh, it's okay." He says while rocking me on the floor.
I cry into his shirt some more, getting my makeup all over it.
He notices there's makeup on his shirt.
"I'm sorry." I say as I sniffle.
"Hey, it's okay." He says.
"Now let's get you cleaned up." He adds.
He helps me up and drags me into my room where he picks out clothes for me to wear.
It's just shorts and a hoodie but it'll do.
"I won't look." He says as I sit on my bed, motionless.
"Sierra?" He asks, waving his hand in front of my eyes.
"Hm." I say quietly.
I do not want to get up.
"Do you want me to- uh- help?" He asks, blushing.
"Please." I whisper.

I'm standing in front of Brooklyn, half naked in my bra and underwear.
"Sierra- do you even eat?" He whispers, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.
I look down.
"Not really." I whisper, tears welling up in my eyes.
"Hey, we're going to get through this together." He says, lifting up my chin.
He puts my clothes on me and I check the time. It's now 2:30 so Victoria and my mom should be back from work soon.
I lay in my bed and Brooklyn puts in a movie for me to watch.
"Just rest here and I'll tell everyone what happened." He says when he hears our moms come in the house.
I sit up, looking worried.
"I won't tell them I helped you get dressed." He laughs a little and rolls his eyes.
I lay back down and watch the movie.
A few moments later, Victoria and my mom are in my room, one both sides.
"Honey, it's okay. They're just jealous of you." They try to console me.
But I just want to be alone.
"Can I just watch my movie?" I ask, signaling for them to leave.
"Sure, sweetie." My mom says, kissing me on the forehead.

The next day, I get out of bed for school. I don't even bother putting on makeup or doing anything special with my hair. I grab my backpack and a pop tart and David drives all of us to school.
"Are you sure you wanna go back?" Brooklyn asks.
"Yeah. I'm okay." I whisper as we pull up to the school.
Brooklyn and I get out of the car, Sophia rushing off.
I feel people staring at me. Suddenly, Emma comes up to me.
"Hey. Are you okay?" She asks, her blue eyes twinkling.
Emma was gorgeous. She was tall and had blue eyes and brown hair that got lighter at the bottom.
"I'm fine." I whisper.
"Hey, I'm gonna go. I'll see you later, yeah?" Brooklyn asks, giving me a hug.
"Yeah." I say, trying to smile.
Brooklyn walks off and Emma looks at me, smiling.
"He's just my best friend." I say as we walk to class.
"You guys would be the perfect couple." She says, dragging out the word perfect.
"I don't know..." I say, feeling my self blush.
"Oh my gosh you like him! He would SO date y-" she stops dead in her tracks.
"Hey let's walk this way." She says, walking fast and dragging me with her.
"Why?" I ask.
I see tears in her eyes.
"Em?" I ask, looking at her.
I turn around and see a boy kissing the girl from yesterday. THAT must be Emma's boyfriend.
"How could he." She whispers, crying now.
"Emma it's okay." I say, pulling her towards me.

The thing is, I try so hard to make others happy, when I'm the saddest person I know.

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