Chapter 34

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Brooklyn's POV:
I wake up on the cold tile floor to sunlight flooding the kitchen.
I must've fallen asleep here last night after thinking too hard.
I decide to drag myself up to my room. About 20 minutes later, I here someone come into my room and plop down beside me on the bed.
"Who is it?" I mumble.
"Dadadada!" Caelynn jumps on me and I turn onto my back and grab her.
"Hi princess!" I tickle her a little bit and she giggles.
I get dressed, pick up Caelynn and head downstairs.
"Brooklyn I'm taking Caelynn to the mall today if you wanna come." Sierra offers.
"Yeah, sure." I reply as I sit on the couch and hold Caelynn up from her arms as she tries to walk.
"Come to mama!" Sierra says, squatting a few feet away.
Caelynn toddles over to her and falls into her arms.
"Oh my gosh! Our baby girl just took her first steps!" She laughs, picking up Caelynn.
We get into the car and I put the stroller in, telling the driver we're going to the mall.
We get to the mall and get out. I put Caelynn in her stroller, trying to draw as least attention as possible to us.

Sierra's POV:
Yes, people give us looks. Some confused, some rude and some excited.
"Aw look at how cute this is!" I say to Brooklyn when I see a dress for Caelynn.
"All she needs is a tiara." He laughs.
Just then, Caelynn starts to cry.
"Come here." Brooklyn scoops her up and rocks her in his arms.
"Maybe she's hungry. Here give her this." I hand him a bottle.
When I give it to him, I realize he's really only fed her like once or twice.
See, Brooklyn and I have this thing where I usually put her to bed and feed her and he gives her baths and changes her diapers.
I've never trusted him alone with her.
"I can't believe we have a pool in our backyard and only Harper, Romeo and Cruz go in it." Brooklyn says as we leave the mall.
"We should go in it today. It'll be Caelynn's first time." I laugh.
"Does she have a swim suit?"
"Yup." I reply.

We get changed into our swim suits when we get back from the mall and go into the pool.
"Cae do you like it?" I ask, putting her feet in just a little bit.
She puts her hand in the water and splashes around, interrupted when Brooklyn cannonballs into the water.
"Brooklyn! You're going to get it in her eyes." I say, holding Caelynn tight.
"It's freezing!" He yells, coming over to me.
"Well, yeah." I say matter of factly.
After about an hour, I decide to take Caelynn inside and put her to bed.
"Sierra!" Victoria calls from the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I ask, walking down the stairs.
"Can you give me any tips on how to make my line more appealing?" She asks, handing me a booklet with girls modeling her outfits.
Victoria has LOVELY clothes, don't get me wrong, but these girls look miserable and look like they don't eat anything! They all look the same.
I tell her my opinions.
"Thank you so much." She says.
I go to leave when she calls my name again.
"Do you think you could model for me sometime soon?" She asks.
"Uh, yeah sure. I'm trying out for a role in a movie tomorrow but I'd love to." I say smiling as I walk back up the stairs.

The next morning I wake up, do my hair and makeup and put on a nice outfit. I go over the script about a dozen more times and finally think I'm ready to audition.
"Good luck!" Everyone says from the breakfast table as I grab my bag and head out of the house.
"Thanks! Love you guys." I close the door behind me and get into the car.
After what seems like hours of waiting, I finally get the results I've been waiting for.
"Hello, is Sierra Grayson around?" I hear when I answer my phone.
"Speaking." I say.
"Well I'd just like to congratulate you because you just got the lead role!" They say.
"Thank you so much!" I say.
I go downstairs and tell everyone and they all seem really happy for me.

Things are finally falling together.
I wouldn't be here if Brooklyn hadn't saved me from society.

A/N: hey guys! I'm starting a new fanfic soon because this ones ending in a few chapters. The next chapter is gonna be a three year time skip so Sierra'll be like 20 or 21.

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