Chapter 11

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Sierra's POV:
I get a text from my best friend, Kayli.
I need to tell you something.
Can't be any worse then what's going on right now..
Uhm.. I'm dating Caleb.
Caleb was the guy I've liked since I was 7. He's been my best friend since we were born.
No answer. Wow. Can this day seriously get any worse? Brooklyn's been spamming me ever since this morning. I finally decide to answer.
Brooklyn texts back right away.
Please talk to me.
You have 3 minutes.

I walk towards the bathroom and unlock my door. He comes running in my room, almost tackling me in a hug because he's so strong.
"I just want to help you. Listen, I have an idea." He says, holding my shoulders.
"I'm listening." I sigh.
"Make a YouTube channel. Tell everyone the things you've been through, that is if your comfortable." He says, smiling.
"Well.. Okay." I give in.
"Only if you help me." I add, smirking.
"Fine." He says, hugging me. I hug back, breathing in his cologne.
"I'm not doing it right now, though. It's late." I say, going into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
"Tomorrow. I'm also gonna help you ride that penny board." He says, smirking.
"Deal." I mumble, my mouth full of toothpaste.
Brooklyn walks into his room and shuts the door.

The next morning, I hear someone open my door.
"Rise and shine, sleepy head!" Brooklyn shouts, trying to open the shades in front of the window.
"What're you doing," I mumble.
I hear something snap.
"Oops." He says.
I open my right eye and see the shade laying on the ground.
"Brooklyn what the hell." I say.
"Wake up. We have a busy day." He says. I turn to lay on my stomach.
Brooklyn sits on my back.
"Get up!" I yell, trying to push him off.
"You get up." He says, laughing.
"I can't. You're on top of me." I say, rolling my eyes.
"That's what she said." He replies, getting off of me.
"Now get out." I say.
"So I can get out of bed."
"It's not like you're naked."
"I'm pretty close to being naked."
"Then I'll stay."
I hear him run intro his room. I get dressed (picture on the side) and grab my penny board.

Wow this was a really long chapter😂

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