Chapter 5

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Sierra's POV:
Sharing a bathroom.. With a boy? That connects our rooms? Okay. Better than sharing a bedroom with him, I guess. I take my bags up to my room and plop them down next to the dresser. Suddenly, I see Brooklyn walk towards my room from the bathroom and he knocks lightly on the wall.
"Can I come in?" He asks, leaning up against the door frame.
"Sure." I reply, folding a t shirt and putting it in the drawer. Brooklyn approaches me.
"Need some help?" He asks.
"No, I'm fine."
"Okay, well when you're done, come to the theater room. We can watch a movie... If you want to." He says, sounding nervous.
"Uh, sure." I say, smiling as he walks out of the room.

I finish packing and go down the basement to the theater room.
"Why's it so cold in here?" I ask, rubbing my arms.
"Oh, stop being a baby." Brooklyn laughs, sitting on the couch.
"Brooklyn can we watch UP?" Cruz asks, running into the room.
"Fine. Only once, though." He says, putting the movie in. Romeo comes walking into the room.
"Hello there, I don't think we've met." He comes over to me, smiling.
"I'm Sierra and I have to stay here for awhile." I say.
"You should be my girlfriend." Cruz suggests, pushing Romeo aside.
"Hey I saw her first." Romeo says.
I slowly walk away and sit down next to Brooklyn.
"Do you have any blankets in here?" I ask Brooklyn. He points over to a basket with blankets in it.
I grab one and Brooklyn's taking up the whole couch.
"Okay, move your ass over." I say, wrapping myself in the blanket.
"At least I have an ass." Brooklyn says, smirking.
"Hey, I have an ass." I fold my arms.
"Um, yeah she does." Romeo chimes in as Victoria walks in just in time to smack Romeo on the back of the head.
"Romeo that's enough! Brooklyn leave the poor girl alone." Victoria says, walking out and rolling her eyes.

Halfway through the movie, all the little kids have to go to bed leaving just me Brooklyn and Sophia.
"Night. I'm going to bed." She says. I follow her out of the room, closing the door behind us.
"Don't leave me in there alone with him." I whisper harshly.
"Sier, it's 12:00 and I'm tired. You'll be fine. And let me know if anything happens." She says smirking and wiggling her eyebrows as she walks upstairs to her room.
I walk back into the theater room just as UP ends.
"What do you wanna watch now?" Brooklyn asks, getting up.
"I don't care." I reply.
"Let's watch Halloween." He says.
"Okay, I love scary movies." I say, plopping myself down on the couch.
"I-I'm right here if you get scared." Brooklyn says blushing.
Halfway through the movie, Brooklyn jumps and I laugh at him.
I stop laughing when I realize he grabbed my hand...


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