Chapter 16

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Sierra's POV:
Brooklyn and I both pull away, breathless. He was the best kisser ever. I have to tell Emma. Romeo runs into my room.
"Sier-" Romeo starts.
My arms are still around Brooklyn's neck and his arms around my waist. Both of us look at Romeo, terrified at what he'll say.
"So, did I interrupt something?" Romeo asks, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.
We pull away quickly and awkwardly put our hands by our sides.
"Well I just wanted to say, Mum and Dad are letting us sleep out on the trampoline tonight." He says, running down the hallway.
"I'm gonna, um, change." Brooklyn says, scratching the back of his neck.
He walks into his room and I slam the bathroom door connecting our rooms.
Why do I have to be so awkward?!

I change into some leggings and a tank top, grab about 3 blankets and head outside. The trampoline is pretty big for me, Brooklyn, Sophia, Romeo and Cruz. Harper and Sam are staying inside because they're too young. The trampoline is surrounded by lanterns and music is playing. I walk over and sit next in between Sophia and Cruz, Romeo next to Sophia and Brooklyn on the other side of him. It's just so awkward now.
"So Brooklyn." Romeo starts. "Wanna tell EVERYONE what was going down between you and Sierra a few minutes ago?" He says, loudly for even the parents on the patio to hear.
All of them stare at us.
Brooklyn's face gets red. REALLY red.
"Yeah Sierra. What DID happen?" Sophia asks, smiling at me.
"I hate you guys." I say through gritted teeth, crossing my arms.
"I-it was just a little kiss..." Brooklyn says, gulping.
I fake yawn.
"Night guys I'm tired." I say quickly, falling asleep on the trampoline.

The next morning I wake up and look around. Brooklyn and I are the only ones left. Great. I get up, trying to quietly tip toe to the grass. I safely make it upstairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I go into the bathroom and realized I forgot my towel, so I go out to the hall closet to get one. I make it back to the bathroom and see a shirtless Brooklyn standing there. I have never seen Brooklyn shirtless, and let me just say: he was RIPPED for being just 16.
"You don't have to stare." Brooklyn says, laughing.
"S-sorry." I say, blushing.
"Can you leave? I'm taking a shower." I add.
"Or I could take one with you." He says, walking slowly towards me.
"Brooklyn..." I say, looking away.
"You don't have to if you don't want to... But we both know you do." He pulls me close to him and I trace my fingers up and down his abs as he shakily releases his breath.
"You know you want me." He whispers into my ear sending chills down my spine.
I grab him by the back of the head and pull his lips towards mine. He picks me up and puts me on the counter, my legs around his lower stomach. His tongue slips into my mouth and he wastes no time pulling my shirt over my head.
"Lock the doors." I whisper, looking at his plump red lips.
All of a sudden, my eyes flutter awake and i realize where I am.
I'm on the trampoline and everyone is looking down at me.
"Why's your face so red." Cruz asks, laughing.
I sit up, trying not to make eye contact with Brooklyn.
"I had a nice dream." I say. But it felt so real.
I just had a dirty dream about Brooklyn Beckham...

Hey guysss, so Sierra's room is on the side and so is her's and Brooklyn's bathroom. Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it and wishing Sierra was me😂😂😍

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