Chapter 26

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Sierra's POV:
"I had so much fun tonight!" I say as we walk out of the arena.
"I'm hungry. Let's go get a burger from in n out, yeah?" Brooklyn asks everyone.
"Yay!" Romeo and Cruz shout.
We get to the restaurant. You'd be amazed how many people are there.
We order, eat our food and go back to the car, Brooklyn holding my hand the whole time.
He tried to play it off as if I couldn't get through because of paparazzi.
"Night Cruz, night Romeo." I say when we get back to the hotel.
They went into their room and Sophia went to our room.
Brooklyn and I were left standing in the hallway.
Once again.
"I like you so much." Brooklyn smiles, coming closer to me.
"Me too." I whisper.
We grab each other and kiss in the middle of the hallway.
It felt like more then just a kiss because now Brooklyn was my boyfriend.
We could do whatever we wanted to.
"Night." I say, still holding his face in my hands.

The next morning, we get dressed and go to LAX, aka the land of paparazzi.
"Cruz, come here." I say, grabbing the little boy's hand.
Romeo and Brooklyn lead the way as the three of us quickly follow behind.
"Sierra, what's the status on yours and Brooklyn's relationship?"
I can't help but smile a little bit.
"Is it true you two were holding hands at the kids choice awards last night?"
Brooklyn stops and waits for me.
He grabs my hand and Sophia starts to lead with Cruz and Romeo by her side.
This time, we're holding hands like a couple.
He's not dragging me through the airport this time.
The clicks and flashes get more intense as we walk into our gate and onto the plane.
Goodbye LA, hello London.

"WE'RE HOMEE!" We all yell as we walk through the door.
"Did you kids have fun?" David asks, smiling.
My dad has something in his hand.
A paper.
"Is this true?" He asks, plopping it down on the kitchen counter.
It's a picture of Brooklyn and I holding hands at the KCA's and the headline says:
"Young Love For Becks and Gray?"
"Uh, yeah." Brooklyn blushes and I smile.
"That's so cute!" Everyone says.
"Yeah, I'm gonna unpack. Brook we have a video to doooo!" I shout, running up the stairs with my bag.
After I get unpacked, Brooklyn comes into my room.
"Ready? Something tells me it'll be a lot of questions..." He says laughing.
"I know, right?" I say as I set up the camera.
"Hey everybodyyy. Today is question day and we'll be answering questions from Twitter and Instagram!" I say.
"Okay, the first question is: how were the KCA's?" Brooklyn reads.
"They were SO much fun. We had an amazing time." I say, smiling at Brooklyn.
"Make babies." Brooklyn reads.
He looks up at the camera with a confused look on his face.
"I'm 15." I laugh and roll my eyes.
"Is it true you guys are dating??" Brooklyn reads and smiles.
"Should we just tell them." Brooklyn says.
"Okay fine. YES we're now a couple." I laugh.
"Well that's all for today! Remember to comment, rate and subscribe. See you on Friday!" I say
"BYEEEE." Brooklyn says covering the camera.
"Well. Now everyone knows." I laugh, laying down on my bed.
"You're so cute." Brooklyn lays down next to me.
"Not as cute as you." I say, tapping his nose.
"Wanna make a bet?" He asks, smirking.
"Depends." I raise my eyebrow.
"Me, Cruz and Romeo against you, my dad and Sophia. If you lose, you have to get your belly button pierced." He smiles.
"But if you lose, you have to get both your ears pierced. AND KEEP IT THIS TIME." I say, hitting him on the shoulder.
"Oh it's on, Grayson." He says, running out of my room.

Brooklyn ends up winning. AGAIN. That means tomorrow I'm getting my belly button pierced.
"But you have to come watch." I say to Brooklyn.
"Um, of course I will." He rolls his eyes.
"If you can handle seeing a needle go through my belly button." I smirk.
"Oh don't worry. I can."
I can't wait for tomorrow, mostly because me, Brooklyn and Sophia have the house all to ourselves.
David's taking Romeo and Cruz to a soccer game, Sam and Harper are going to daycare, and my mom and Victoria have work.
This should be fun.

A/N: sorry guys! I'm on vacation and I'll try to post chapters a lot!

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