Chapter 3

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Aria's POV:
"Hey Soph, wanna switch seats?" I ask, nervously.
"Nah, you just don't want it to be awkward, do you?" She replies, squinting and smiling.
Great. I'm stuck sitting next to a guy I've read hundreds of fanfics about. Something tells me this won't turn out like the fanfics I've read...

About thirty minutes later, THE David Beckham comes walking in, carrying harper while Romeo and Cruz follow behind. Where's Brooklyn?
"Hello, Penelope. Nice to see you again!" David says, greeting my mother. They talk for awhile when I see Brooklyn stand next to his father.
"Oh look at how big you kids have gotten! It's so nice to finally meet Harper." My mom says. "My daughter, Sierra, is quite a fan." My mom adds. Thanks, mom. Thanks a lot. I give a little wave and a small smile while they walk over and take their seats.

The fashion show ends. Finally. Victoria comes out and gives a little speech then we go to the after party in the same building. When I'm about to get a drink, I feel someone behind me.
"Sierra, right?"
I jump a little and turn around. Being 5'5" Brooklyn's towering over me.
"Uh, y-yeah." I say, smiling a little bit.
"I like your dress." He says, smirking.
"You're 15, too. Right?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck.
"Almost. In a few weeks." I reply nervously.
"Oh that's cool. I hate these things. You always have to act so mature." He says, rolling his eyes.
"I know, right?" I laugh.
"Well, I'm gonna get back. You're staying with us for awhile, aren't you?"
"Yeah." I say, my cheeks feeling hot.
"It'll be fun." He says, walking away and tripping a little, making me laugh.
This is gonna be a very long few years.

Wow that was boring. And short.

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