Chapter 25

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Brooklyn's POV:
Today is the day of the Kids Choice Awards and let me just say, I'm pretty excited. We have AMAZING seats. I'm also pretty nervous. This is where I'm telling Sierra how I feel about her.
And there's no going back now.
I change into leather pants and a white shirt with a green jacket, put on my shoes and go to Sierra's room.
"Knock knock knock." I say while knocking.
Sophia answers.
"You can come into the main room but not in our room. Sierra's changing." She says.
What I would do to see Sierra naked.
Wait what?
I need to stop.
"Sophia! Can you do my hair?!" She shouts demandingly at her older sister.
"Yeah, let me finish doing my makeup! Oh and Brooklyn's here!" She shouts.
"Um, I'll go see if Romeo and Cruz are ready..." I say, walking out the door.

Sierra's POV:
My sister straightens my hair and puts in a bow to match my outfit.
"Oh my gosh I love it!" I squeal.
I'm wearing a green-white ombré dress with mint heals and my sister has on a light purple skirt with a white crop top and purple shoes.
"This is going to be SO fun!" She says, getting excited again.
We walk out of our hotel room and meet up with Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz outside the hotel.
Yesterday was the day our parents had to go back to London.
"Well don't you three look adorable." I say when we see them.
"And you two look just as cute." Brooklyn says, smiling.
We get into the car and I get more then excited when we pull up to the Orange carpet.
"Just follow me and if you get caught up, take my hand." Brooklyn says before we get out of the car.
We stop in the middle of the carpet and people are shouting our names.
The order goes Brooklyn, me and Sophia then Cruz and Romeo in front of us.
"Brooklyn turn this way!" People shout.
Then, someone comes up to interview us.
"So we're here on the Orange carpet with the 3 Beckham boys and the 2 Grayson girls. Are you planning on being slimed tonight?" The lady asks.
"Well of course. Who doesn't want to get slimed at the KCA's?" Brooklyn says.
"Good point. Hope you guys have a fun night!" She says as we walk into the arena with the bodyguard in front.
We get to our seats which are pretty close to the stage, but not too close.
The order goes Brooklyn, Cruz, me, Romeo then Sophia.
"I have to go to the bathroom." Cruz whines.
"Me too." Romeo says.
"I'll take them and wait outside the door." Sophia says, quickly getting up.
"Hurry before the show starts!" I say.

"Uh, Sierra? I have to tell you something." Brooklyn says, scratching the back of his neck.
Oh no.
He's nervous. He ALWAYS does that when he's nervous.
"O-okay. What is it?"
"Sierra." He starts, looking around. "I like you, okay? I like you and I want to be more then best friends. I've liked you ever since I've laid eyes on you and, well, I'm CRAZY about you. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. You're so funny, nice and the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on. It would be my pleasure if you would please be my girlfriend?" Brooklyn asks me, his face red.
At this point, I was shocked and about to cry at everything he just said.
"Brooklyn- I've been praying for you to say that almost my whole life." I laugh.
"So is that a yes?" He asks.
"Of course." I smile.
I scoot over a seat and rest my head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand just as the show starts.

Everything is finally perfect.


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