Chapter 27

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Sierra's POV:
"Hey babe." Brooklyn says, walking into my room.
"Hey." I smile.
"Ready to go?"
"Go where..?"
"Um... Remember? You lost a bet?" He smirks.
"Ughh. Fine. Get Sophia to take us so she can sign the paper cuz she's an adult I guess." I say, getting up.
"You look cute today." He says.
Brooklyn's so sweet.
We all get into the car and head to the tattoo shop where I'm getting my belly pierced at.
"Ready?" The lady says to me after Sophia signs all of the papers.
"Uh, yeah I guess." I was so nervous.
I lay down in the chair and she pulls up my shirt passed my belly button.
"I'm just gonna clean it off and I'll tell you when I'm actually piercing it. Okay?" She smiles.
"Okay." I say.
Brooklyn's right there and of course, he's looking at my belly button.
"Brook, look at me." I say as I roll my eyes.
"Okay, I'm going to pierce it now." She says.
I reach of Brooklyn's hand and squeeze it.
"Lots of pressure, breathe in and slowly let it out." She sticks the needle through and I flinch in pain.
"Oh my gosh. That looked like it hurt." Brooklyn says, rubbing my hand.
"Just a little." I laugh.

Sophia drops us off at home and says she'll be back and that she's going shopping.
I'm laying on the couch when Brooklyn walks an with an eyebrow raised.
"And what's that look for?" I smile, looking up from my phone.
"We're all alone." He plops down next to me.
"And that means..." He kisses me neck "we can do..." He kisses it again. "Anything we want." He whispers into my neck, causing me to get goosebumps.
"Brooklyn." I whisper, looking into his eyes.
"Yes, baby?" He asks.
I kiss him roughly and I'm practically on top of him.
He makes a small noise.
"You like that?" I ask him, winking.
"A lot." He says, grabbing my hips and trying to pull me closer.
"I'm really not feeling it today. Maybe another time." I get up and walk upstairs to my room, leaving Brooklyn on the couch, flustered.
"Party's still on, right?" I ask him as he walks into my room.
"Yup." He says.
"Good." I look up from my MacBook and raise an eyebrow at him, smirking.

It's 8:00 and the party just started. I swear half our school came.
"Hey! Let's play a game!" A guy yells.
"Strip trivia!" Someone else yells and everyone agrees.
"Oh no." I say to Emma.
"Let's play. It'll be fun." She says as we sit in the circle.
"Brooklyn, you ask someone a question first." Someone says.
"Okay, um, Sierra." He smirks and asks me a question, which I get wrong.
I decide to take off my shirt, so I slowly take it off and several people whistle.
Everyone's targeting me and I know for sure by the end of the game I'll have no clothes left.
I'm down to my bra and underwear and someone else asks me a question, which I get wrong.
"Take it off!" People start chanting.
I kinda just sit there for a few minutes and decide to take off my bra.
I slowly pull it over my head, teasing Brooklyn who was sitting right next to me.
His mouth drops open.
And yes, he's sitting there in his underwear which is extremely hot.
The game ends after like 20 questions and Brooklyn pins me up against the wall.
"You think you can tease me like that. Don't you?" He says, looking down at my boobs.
"Just do it already." I whisper as he passionately kisses me against the wall.
"Are you sure?" He asks, dragging me to my room.
"I-I'm sure."

We were just so caught up in the moment.

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