Chapter 19

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Sierra's POV:
Brooklyn and I walk into the house with his flannel tied around my waist. I try to ignore the fact that Victoria and my mom are sitting in the living room, working on designs.
"Hey kids. What's up?" Victoria asks, not looking up.
"Sierra- why do you have Brooklyn's shirt around your waist?" My mom asks.
I feel my face get hot. "Because... I.. Like.. It?"
"Yeah, I don't really want it back." Brooklyn laughs.
Victoria and my mom catch on.
"Well Brooklyn that was very nice of you." Victoria says, smiling at me.
"I'm going to clean up." I grumble, walking up the stairs.
Before I get into my room, I feel a presence behind me.
"What happened to you?" Cruz asks, standing in the hallway.
I slowly turn around. "I fell in some mud." I say, forcing a smile.
"Oh, okay." He shrugs.
THAT was really close. Today is not the day I feel like explaining the female reproductive system to a ten year old.

A few hours later, I finish editing the YouTube video and post it. I already have over 500,000 subscribers because of Brooklyn and just the fact that my mom is famous. I sigh and turn on my TV, and stop as soon as I see myself and Brooklyn on the TV.
"No fucking way." I whisper to myself.
"Brooklyn!" I call him.
"What now." He groans, walking into my room.
"Come sit with me and watch this." I say, patting the bed.
"Anything for you, princess." He says sarcastically.
I un-pause the TV.
"16 year old Brooklyn Beckham and 15 year old Sierra Grayson have been seen spending LOTS of time together. Could this next move Brooklyn made mean the two teens could be more then friends?" The announcer says as it goes to commercial.
"They fucking know. Everyone's gonna know and I'm going to get so much shit for it." I flop my head back on my pillows.
"It's okay, Sierra. Things happen. It's nothing unusual." He shrugs, trying to make me feel better.
The news show comes back on and there I am.
A picture of me with a red stain the size of a tennis ball on the back of my pants, Brooklyn giving me his flannel as the picture was taken.
"Oh my gosh." I say, burying my head in a pillow as Brooklyn wraps his arms around me.
"This is the most embarrassing thing ever." I groan, resting my head on Brooklyn.
"Kids! Household meeting!" David calls out.
My face goes white.
What if this is what they want to address?

Brooklyn and I get downstairs and plop down on the couch.
"Since it's the middle of September, New York Fashion Week is coming up." Victoria starts.
All of the kids in the room groan, including me and Brooklyn.
"Now instead of the usual formal black and white color scheme, we decided to mix it up a little." My mom says, hoping it'll change the fact of how boring it is to sit there for 3 hours.
"The color scheme is going to be light blue or a mint color." Victoria adds, smiling.
Yippee. That changes everything. Note the sarcasm.
"So when're we going?" I ask, sighing.
"We're leaning Wednesday morning at 4:30." My mother says.
Even better.
"Whatta ya say we go shopping?" Brooklyn asks, nudging my arm.
"Don't you think I've been embarrassed enough?"
"Come on, it'll be fun. I'll even wait 2 hours while you try on dresses." Brooklyn says, winking.
"Oh alright." I give in as I grab my purse and we head out the door.
I just really want Brooklyn to know how much I really like him.

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