Chapter 4

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Sierra's POV:
Wednesday comes and goes and before I know it, I'm laying in my bed on Wednesday night at 10:32 PM, staring at my ceiling. My room is all packed up, three suitcases by my door. I just can't believe we're leaving tomorrow. To England. I slowly drift off to sleep, my thoughts surrounding me.

Before I know it, my alarm wakes me up. I look over at my clock and it reads 4:15 AM. Our flight is scheduled to leave at 6:30 AM. I slowly get up and head to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I throw my hair into a ponytail, apply some makeup and put on my outfit. I think it's pretty cute. (picture on the side)

"Sierra! Grab your bags, we're leaving!" My step-dad calls me. I call him dad even though he's not my real dad. We're really close.
"Okay dad! Coming!" I reply.
I grab my suitcases and start heading down the stairs. Our driver, frank, takes my bags out to the large van. Before we know it, we pull up to the airport and I grab my brother. I carry him the whole way, flashing lights bombarding us until we get to the secret door we go into for security and then get on the plane from there.

Our flight is a seven hour flight, plus there's a five hour time difference so we don't get to London until 6:30 PM. I'm really happy we're in London, just nervous to stay with the Beckham's, even though they seem like nice people. We walk out of the plane and into the airport and start walking to the exit. We see a sign with our last name written on it and go with the man. It only takes about a half an hour before we pull up outside of a house that looks very friendly but pretty big. The Beckham's are standing outside and I suddenly feel myself getting nervous. Brooklyn and David come up to the car and help us with our bags, the chauffeur helping as well. I get out of the car and Victoria gives me a huge hug.
"It's so nice to see you again! I barely got to talk to you the other day!" She says, hugging me.
"Nice to see you, too!" I say and smile.
"You HAVE to see the room you're staying in. You have to share a bathroom with Brooklyn. I hope you don't mind." She says, grinning.
I practically choke on the air I'm breathing as a see Brooklyn laugh out of the corner of my eye.
"N-no, no. That's fine." I say.

And that's where it all begins...


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