Chapter 20

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Sierra's POV:
It's Monday afternoon after school so I decide to make the question and answers video with Brooklyn.
"Brooklynnnn!" I call out.
"Hm?" He pops his head in the room.
"We're answering questions. Come here." I say to him.
We sit on the bed in front of the camera.
"Hey everyone, it's Sierra and once again I have Brooklyn here with me..." I say, looking over to him as he stuffs his face with a hotdog.
"Brooklyn stop, you're so gross." I laugh as I push him over and he lands on my pillows.
"Okay, first question." I say, looking at my Twitter.
"What's it like having famous parents? This question's for both of you." I read out loud.
"It's fun but it can be kind of annoying. Like I want to be famous for something I did." Brooklyn says, actually being serious this time.
"I agree. It's hard to have privacy when your parents are famous. Paparazzi is everywhere." I say.
"Are you and Brooklyn dating? If not, would you ever date him..." I let out a sigh.
"Yeah, would you?" Brooklyn stares at me, putting me on the spot.
"Well... I don't know. I mean, we're best friends but..." I say
Brooklyn smirks at me. "You know you want me." He says smiling.
Right when he says that, I think about my dream a few nights ago and blush.
We answer a few more questions then end the video.
"I hate you so much." I laugh, hitting him with a pillow.
"Nooo, you loveee me." He says, laying next to me.
"Nahh." I say, looking at him.
Suddenly, he starts tickling me.
"BROOKLYN STOP!!" I shout between giggles.
"Not until you scream I love Brooklyn Joseph Beckham." He says, smirking.
"FINE, STOP TICKLING ME!" I break free of his grasp and run around the house.
"I LOVE BROOKLYN JOSEPH BECKHAM!!" I shout at least 4 times.

"Let's go shopping. You promised me yesterday." I say to Brooklyn, who's on his phone.
"Fine." He says.
Brooklyn and I decide to ride our penny boards into town to shop. We decide to go to a dress/suit shop first to shop for the event.
"What about this one?" I as Brooklyn as I walk out of the dressing room with a long mint dress.
"Shorter." He suggests, shooing me back into the room.
"This one?" I ask, coming back out.
His eyes go wide and his mouth hangs open.
"Absolutely." He says, gulping.
It's pretty low cut in the front, that's the only reason he likes it.
"Maybe it needs to be up a little hi-" I start.
"No, no. It looks perfect." Brooklyn says, looking stunned.
"Stop drooling, you haven't seen anything yet." I say, winking to go change into my other clothes.
I love teasing Brooklyn. It's really fun sometimes. Especially when you know he's weak.
I buy the dress and Brooklyn buys a matching tie.
He doesn't like wearing ties but his mom's making him.

Brooklyn's POV:
Sierra's dress looks AMAZING on her.
I really wish I didn't have to wear a tie though.
The next store we go in is a shoe store and right away I know I'll never get out.
"Oh my gosh I love these!" She squeals, running over to a pair of mint shoes.
"What about these?" I ask, picking up a pair of sparkly high heals.
Right away her eyes light up.
Well done, Brooklyn.
"Brooklyn you're a genius!" She shouts and hugs me.
She smells so good.
I just wish I could tell her how I feel.

Sierra's POV:
Brooklyn and I leave the store. I decided on a pair of silver sparkly high heals that Brooklyn picked out.
"Let's go to Nandos." Brooklyn suggests.
I've never actually been there. I just heard that it's really good.
"Okay." I agree as we skate towards the restaurant.
We order our food and Brooklyn finishes before me.
"You should try that dress on again when we get home." Brooklyn says, smiling.
"Hmm, I don't know..." I start off.
"You know, to show everyone else." He clears his throat.
"Okay, fine." I agree.
We take our bags and skate back home.

Surprise! Two chapters today!

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