Chapter 7

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Sierra's POV:
Brooklyn and I walk for awhile, both of us holding our sibling.
"Park!" Sam yells and points to the park we're walking past. Harper then joins in until they're both chanting 'park' we finally give in and put them down, letting them roam around.
"We should hangout again. You know, just the two of us." Brooklyn suggests.
"U-Um that would be cool." I say, smiling.
Maybe London won't be so bad after all.

Brooklyn's POV:
I just want to be friends with Sierra, nothing more nothing less. I really hope she doesn't like me or gets too attached. It's hard for me to trust anyone. People usually take advantage of me just because I'm 'famous.' Well, she's famous too I guess. We seem to have a lot in common.
"We should go back now." I say as I scoop up Harper in my arms. She falls asleep in no time, even through all of Sam's screaming.
"I wanna stay!!" He yells.
Sierra struggles to hold him as he's kicking and screaming.
I sigh.
"Lemme help." I say and I give her Harper. She looks at me like 'what the hell are you gonna do to my brother.'
I take Sam in my arms and I tell him to calm down and that we'll come back tomorrow. It works and he's asleep in no time.
"Thanks." Sierra says, smirking.

We get home in no time and it's time for dinner.
"Brook, help Harper eat please. Make sure she doesn't get messy." My mum says, putting Harper in the high chair. After dinner, I go up to my room to get football stuff. I look at the clock and it reads 7:00 PM. I usually play at this time for about in hour in my backyard. I head out back and see Sierra sitting on the swings, looking down at her bare arms. She must see me so she jumps folds her arms.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I say, putting the ball down and my cleats on.
"It's fine." She says quietly.
"Wanna play?" I ask, looking into her hazel eyes.
"Sure." She says, smirking.
"Winner gets to push or throw the loser into the pool." I say
"Deal." She smirks, standing opposite from me.

About in hour later, the game ends and I won.
"Haha! I get to throw you in!" I say.
She stands there smiling.
"I'm not moving." She says, crossing her arms and sticking out her tongue.
"I can change that." I smirk as I pick her up. She screams as we approach the pool.
I throw her in and sit at the edge of the pool.
"Oh you'll pay." She says, getting out and coming towards me.
She pushes me in and I drag her with me. We come up for air at the same time and I splash her a few times.
She comes closer to me. Our faces are inches apart.
Do I kiss her?

Sierra's POV:
Oh no. We're standing in his pool and our faces are just inches apart. Do I kiss him?
We both lean in when all of a sudden, my mom and Victoria come out of the house talking. They stop in mid-sentence when they see us. We all kind of just stare at each other without saying anything.
"I-uh-I-uhm-" Brooklyn stutters. Big time.
"I need to- get changed!" I say, walking out of the pool and into the house.
How stupid am I to think that he would EVER kiss me?

Omg more?

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