Chapter 22

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Sierra's POV:
We get to dinner and I sit in between Brooklyn and my mom.
"Um, excuse me? Can you take a picture of all of us?" I ask the waitress as I give her my phone.
"Sure!" She says.
I lean up against Brooklyn and smile as he puts his arm around my shoulders.
"Thanks!" I smile as she gives my phone back.
After dinner, the adults end up going to a few stores and me, Brooklyn, Sophia, Romeo, Cruz, Harper and Sam all go to see a movie appropriate for all of us.
Sophia pulls me aside.
"Sooo, how's it going?!" She asks, grinning.
"I don't know what to do. Do I make the first move or does he?" I ask her.
"I don't know. When we leave, rub your arms like your cold. He'll give you his jacket."
"You're a genius!"
We head back to the group.
"What was that about?" Brooklyn asks with his eyebrow raised.
"Just girl stuff." I simply answer.

The movie ends and Harper is asleep in Brooklyn's arms. Meanwhile, Sam's in Sophia's arms, throwing a fit because he couldn't get a box of candy.
We walk out of the theater and I do what Sophia told me to. I shiver and wrap my arms around myself.
"You look cold." Brooklyn laughs.
"Maybe because I am?" I reply, rolling my eyes.
"Hold Harper." He says as he gives her to me and takes off his Jean jacket.
I hand Harper back to him and put on his jacket.
"Thanks." I smile.
"Yup." He replies as we walk to the adults.
"Ready to head back?" They ask.
"Yeah." We all chorus.
I check my phone and see that it's only 9:00 PM.
We return to our hotel after paparazzi bombards us.
"Idiots." Brooklyn mutters, carrying Harper and shielding her eyes.

We safely get back to the hotel and Brooklyn hands Harper to David.
"Night kids. Get to bed soon. You can stay out until curfew which is 11:00, but be back right then." My mom says to me, Brooklyn and Sophia.
"Oh my gosh, thanks mom!" I say, hugging her.
"Where should we go first?" Sophia asks.
"I don't know. I really wanna go to Times Square." I suggest.
We walk to Times Square and I ask someone to take our picture.
Brooklyn's in the middle and I stick out my tongue and throw up a peace sign, Sophia makes a confused face and Brooklyn makes it look like he's rolling his eyes with his arms crossed.
"This is SO much fun!" Sophia says as Brooklyn laughs.
Suddenly, a girl about my age comes up to us.
"Can I get a picture with Brooklyn?" She asks, shyly.
"Aw sure." Brooklyn says, hugging her.
I take the picture and give her the phone back.
"You're so lucky." She whispers to me before she walks away.
"We should get back now." Brooklyn says.

We walk back to the hotel and Sophia yawns.
"Well, that was fun. Night guys." She says as she yawns and walks into our hotel room, not closing the door all the way.
"I had a lot of fun." I smile.
"Me too. Once again, you look amazing." He says, looking down.
He's so cute when he's shy.
"Thanks." He blushes.
"Wait- what?" I say.
"You said that out loud." He laughs.
I mentally face-palm myself and can practically hear Sophia do it too.
"Oh. Oops." I say, looking down.
He comes towards me and hugs me, looking down at my hazel eyes.
"You have the prettiest eyes." He whispers.
"And you have the cutest freckles." I say, mesmerized by just how close we are.
"Well, see you tomorrow." He smiles, walking down the hallway.
"Go! Go after him!" Sophia whisper-yells through the crack in the door.
"Brooklyn, wait." I run after him.
"Huh?" He turns around.
"You forgot something." I say.
"Oh, you can keep the jacket."
"No, not the jacket."
I grab his face and pull him closer to me and our lips touch. We kiss passionately for a good twenty seconds until we run out of breath.
He looks at me in shock.
"Good night, Sierra." He says as he kisses me on the cheek, smiles, and walks off.
I run back down the hallway to my sister who was now peering out of the door.
"Oh my gosh that was amazing!" She shouts, hugging me and laughing.
"Hey, I learned from the best." I smile, changing into my pajamas.
I love my sister and even though she's almost nineteen, she acts my age sometimes.

I lay in bed and decide to make a collage of the picture of everyone at dinner and the picture of just the three of us.
"Today was pretty fun👽" I caption the picture.
Immediately, I get likes and comments.
One comment stands out to me and it's from an account called Brierra.
Brierra: omg you and Brooklyn need to date already!!
I go the account and see quite a few pictures of Brooklyn and I.
I decide to like a few right before I fall asleep, just to mess with everyone.

A/N: guys just so you know, there's an actual video of Brooklyn carrying harper out of LAX and calling the paparazzi idiots😂 he sounds really cute but it makes me sad because he seems really frustrated and annoyed.

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