The Cyborg

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Nobody's POV

(Y/n) walks towards Saitama's apartment. He had just finished running his errands and was returning with groceries.

"GET BACK HERE! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" Saitama's voice yells out.

"What the heck?" (y/n) says to himself and runs over towards the location of his voice.

Sprinting over to Saitama's location at Mach 2 (really fast), he finds Saitama chasing a mosquito spraying it with anti-mosquito spray.

"I swear, one of these days I'm gonna go insane..." (y/n) says.

"Oh (y/n), did you get my groceries?" Saitama says.

"Yeah, lucky they weren't harmed." (y/n) replies.

Before Saitama can reply, they hear a extremely loud buzzing. Looking over towards the source of the sound, and a giant cloud of mosquitoes could be seen. 

"Great." Saitama said. "Just great! Now I gotta kill 100,000 more of those pests!"

Saitama grabbed his can of anti-mosquito spray and waltzed over toward the swarm. Before he could do anything, the swarm burst into smoke and ash.

"What the hell just happened?" (y/n) said.

"I dunno. But I'm glad it did." Saitama said.

(y/n) realizes that the incineration came from a cyborg entity. He saw the Cyborg and a mosquito monster fighting, with the cyborg taking a beating. (y/n) also saw that Saitama's clothes got caught in the blast. He quickly turns away, trying to get Saitama to notice.

"Your clothes got burnt!" (y/n) says.

"Eh?" Saitama said.

After a few minutes silence, (y/n) heard a "THWACK" and turned around. He saw a bloodly building and a crippled cyborg. And Saitama of course.

"Can you make me your disciple?" the Cyborg asked.

"Yeah, sure." Saitama said without much thought. He walked off towards his apartment, leaving the cyborg on the ground.

(y/n) walks over to Cyborg, picking up a disconnected arm.

"You uh..." (y/n) said. "Need a hand?"

A.N - ey we met Genos, I'm thinking to turn this into a Tatsumaki x Reader, but I haven't read the manga yet. Only the anime (don't hate me pls) so it's probably gonna be mostly fanfic and imaginary scenarios. 

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