Hot Springs Vacation

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Nobody's POV

"To congratulate everyone's efforts in defying all odds, repelling multiple god-level threats. We here at the hero association decided to give you S-Class heroes some much needed vacation." Sitch announces in the meeting room.

The S-Class heroes seem to approve the idea.

"You totaled the spacecraft Bob gave you." Tatsumaki says.

"That's the 5th time you told me today!" (y/n) says. "I don't know how to pilot something like that!"

"Then why the hell did you decide to pilot it?" Tatsumaki says. "You ruined my chance to go intergalactic shopping."

"Since when were you interested it that?" (Y/n) says.

"Ahem." Sitch says. "Do you 2 approve?"

"Yeah I approve." (y/n) says.

"Not as good as intergalactic shopped, but I approve too." Tatsumaki says.

"Very well! Wear some casual clothes and pack your bags for an overnight stay, but bring your hero gear just in case a disaster strikes again." Sitch says.

The Next Day...

"Wow, first impressions: Good." (y/n) says, snapping a picture of the estate. "Hey Tats, look over here."

"Hm?" Tatsumaki says, turning around.

(y/n) snaps a photo of Tatsumaki's face.

"Cute!" (y/n) says, looking at his phone.

"You'd better delete that." Tatsumaki says sternly.

"Ok..." (y/n) says, tapping a few buttons and deleting it. Suddenly, (y/n) brightens up. "Aha! I just stored it onto my database, you can't get rid of it now!"

Tatsumaki simply uses her telekinesis to throw the phone into the air.


After managing to save his phone, (y/n) goes inside the hot springs hotel.

"Sorry sir, no weapons allowed inside the hotel." An employee says.

"What? I can't just leave it here!" Atomic Samurai says. "This sword is very important to me!"

He and the employee continue to argue, with the employee still insisting he follow hotel protocols.

(y/n) just slowly slips by without the hotel employee noticing.

The heroes decide to take a dip in the hot springs for a while. Tatsumaki and some other female heroes branch off from the other S-Class heroes (for obvious reasons).

(y/n) arrives a bit late, so he gets into the hot springs a few minutes after the other heroes. He sees the"Men" cloth drape and goes through it.

(Y/n) walks into the hot springs bath, to find Tatsumaki in there was well.

When she notices (y/n), whom is still very much confused, her face slowly starts turning into a shade of red.

Realizing what he had done, (y/n) hastily apologizes and makes a run for it.

"Pervert!" Tatsumaki yells at him.

(y/n) slams the paper door and is left confused. He takes a look back at the cloth drape and hears Saitama laughing his head off.

He goes to check and sees him holding the "Women" cloth drape. Now knowing what happened, (y/n) just sighs and leaves Saitama to change the drapes back.

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